Thursday, February 01, 2007

Questions remain about garbage fee vote

When Oshkosh Common Council members and incumbent candidates Bryan Bain and Meredith Scheuermann were on Eye on Oshkosh two weeks ago both stated they did not vote for the garbage fee.

That seemed a little odd to me at the time, but because there were different discussions and various votes that had to do with or somehow referenced the garbage fee I wanted to be sure of that being the correct answer.

Consequently, neither I nor guest host Miles Maguire challenged them on it at the time. Judging from the discussion I’ve heard in the community, there also seems to be a fair amount of confusion or uncertainty about it among residents. I wanted the most accurate information about it possible and contacted the city clerk’s office for the information. Yesterday I received answers to my questions and if I am interpreting the information correctly, here is how those votes break down:

On May 9 there was a resolution to establish a fee for the collection of solid waste and recyclables. An amendment to end the fee on 12/31/06 was made by Bryan Bain and it was voted on accordingly: Carried (4) Scheuermann, Bain, Tower, Mattox; No (3) McHugh, Esslinger, Castle.

Then there was a motion to adopt the resolution as amended. That was voted on thusly: Ayes (5) Scheuermann, Bain Tower, Mattox, Castle; No (2) McHugh, Esslinger.

On September 13 there was a resolution to place the garbage fee referendum on the ballot and it was approved unanimously by all seven councilors. And finally on Nov. 28 there was a resolution to adopt the city budget for 2007 and it was voted on as follows: Ayes (5) Bain, Tower, Mattox, Scheuermann, Castle No (2) McHugh, Esslinger.

I appreciate the fact that there was a lot of discussion about the appropriateness of the fee and that efforts were made by a number of councilors – Bain and Scheuermann included – to get it removed during the May meeting. But in the end, the 2006 budget had been drafted with the fee included for the fourth quarter of 2006, and to not vote for it would have resulted in staff layoffs, we’re told – something at least some of our common council members did not want to see. So they voted accordingly.

Hopefully this clears up the confusion surrounding this vote. I wish councilors Scheuermann and Bain would have been more clear about their vote and why they did what they did when they first appeared. But I do have to say that no matter what the reasons, in the end a vote for something is just that, and to state otherwise, even if one has what they believe to be the best of reasons, is disingenuous and disappointing.

Likewise, I wish I'd had the exact votes and those dates in my material at the time of the first interview. When they come on the show before the April general election they will be asked to explain their “no” vote claim.

- Cheryl Hentz

UPDATE / CORRECTION: The garbage fee issue has been discussed in so many places and on so many occasions that it is no wonder there is so much confusion. But I have gone back and reviewed the tape from the candidate's show in question and must apologize to Bryan Bain. Contrary to what many thought, including me, he did not say he voted NO on the garbage fee during our interview with him. He also said that he did vote for the budget that included the fee. It is less clear what Meredith Scheuermann meant in our discussion with her about the fee because of different votes that she referred to. But here is what transpired during that interview.

At the very beginning of the interview she emphatically stated that she did not vote for the garbage fee, but that she did vote for the budget that included it. She also went on to say that it was she, Bryan Bain and Burk Tower "who voted not for the garbage fee." She followed that up by saying she was glad to be part of a team that made the garbage fee go away; that the referendum ultimately made it go away, but that they were very committed to making it go away for 2007. "The referendum just made it mandatory that it went away," she said. "I didn't vote for the garbage tax when I went to the polls...I didn't want it either." She also admitted that they were unable to make the fee go away for the 4th quarter of 2006.

I hope this clears things up rather than adds to the confusion and, again, I apologize to Bryan Bain for the error in misstating his vote on the garbage fee issue.]

- Cheryl Hentz


Blogger Miles Maguire said...

I just want to point out that this is not quite an accurate summation of what went on.

I did ask Bryan to clarify his statement, and he acknowledged that he did in fact vote for the 2006 budget that included the garbage fee.

As OCAT fans may recall from watching the fall 2005 budget debate (on the 2006 budget), Bryan tried to get the Council to look at some alternatives but was unsuccessful and ended up voting for the budget that included the garbage fee. So you can give him some credit on this score (if you want).

And just so everyone is clear, Meredith also voted for the 2006 budget that included the now-departed garbage fee.

I don't recall exactly how Meredith characterized her position on the garbage fee during the interview, but I don't think she said that she voted against the budget that included the garbage fee, although she may have used some phrasing that left that impression.

February 02, 2007 4:16 PM  
Blogger Questioning said...

Can't someone check the tape (or is there a transcript of the show so we can read exactly what was said. From what I recall...they both said they tried to get the fee out of the budget (and from what I remember --- neither of them said this, this is just my memory Esslinger voted NO to remove the fee so there were only 3 votes to remove it...).

I don't think it is accurate, because someone voted for a budget that contained a fee they tried to remove, to characterize them as having voted for the fee when they tried to have it removed. It would be accurate to say they voted on the budget, which contained the fee they were unable to remove from the budget. To me the two are very different. A responsible elected official does NOT hold up a budget simply because they don't like everything in it. If all elected officials acted that way, government would be stalled all the time. I would LOVE to hear Mr. Esslinger's reason for voting against the amendment to REMOVE the garbage fee from the budget...

February 02, 2007 7:11 PM  
Blogger Cheryl Hentz said...

I will try to do that over the weekend. It is still, I think, a very confusing issue and getting more convoluted the longer it goes on.

February 02, 2007 10:32 PM  
Blogger Cheryl Hentz said...

Questioning, I have reviewed the tape and a correction regarding Bryan Bain and a more detailed explanation about the entire discussion is in the original post on this thread. Thanks for your comments. I appreciate them and your point about holding up the entire budget because you don't like everything in it is accurate and hopefully, well taken by readers.

February 03, 2007 1:18 PM  
Blogger Bryan L. Bain said...

I appreciate you clarifying the situation. I have never tried to hide from any of my votes. I'm glad the confusion has been cleared up.


February 04, 2007 10:06 PM  
Blogger Questioning said...


Thnaks for the clarifications... and I applaud your willingness to admit you made a mistake and quickly corrected it, after all human beings make mistakes, it is what one does when one realizes the mistake that really matters.

I will link to your response so people can read for themselves what was said. Thanks again,


February 05, 2007 6:22 PM  
Blogger Cheryl Hentz said...

Thanks to both Bryan and Questioning for their kind words. Happy to have done it and I hope things are now a litle more clear as to who voted how, when and on what.

February 06, 2007 3:26 PM  

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