Saturday, October 18, 2008

October is American Humane's Adopt-A-Dog Month

Millions of dogs face euthanasia every year across the country because there are not enough caring, loving homes for them. This is why American Humane's Adopt-A-Dog Month was established. Celebrated every October, the tradition promotes dog adoptions from animal shelters (or rescue groups) and provides an opportunity to spread the word about responsible pet care. Improve your life with a dog's companionship, and support these voiceless creatures.

Why Adopt a Dog?

- Dogs are generally considered faithful and fun companions. But there are many other benefits of dog ownership.

- According to a survey by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, an increasing number of dog owners are citing health benefits and "walking, jogging and exercise" as top benefits of having dogs in their lives. Pets help lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and fight depression and loneliness.

- Dogs can also serve as a "social aid" -- they can facilitate introductions to new people, promote conversation and encourage increased social contact and greater bonds between people. Studies show that pet owners are more likely than people without pets to participate in community activities and do favors for their neighbors.

For more information about Adopt-A-Dog Month and animal adoption, visit


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