Eye On Oshkosh - Accessing Healthcare When Disabled, taped 7-21-2022
Navigating the healthcare system and health insurance coverages
can be confusing and challenging for the healthiest of people. But imagine
having a disability and needing to access healthcare and have all the necessary
insurance to cover it. What if your disability requires you to have certain
pieces of equipment or specific medicine that isn’t covered by insurance? Or
maybe your disability is complicated by other ailments and chronic conditions,
but no doctor in your area, or even the state, will treat you because you’re “too
complicated?” These are the very things that the two guests on the most recent
edition of Eye on Oshkosh deal with day in and day out. Join host Cheryl Hentz
as she talks with two Oshkosh women – Melody Nolan and Anna Hirsch – to learn
what their diagnoses are and how those very challenges have made finding care
and/or coverage very elusive. You can watch the show here, or click on the
following link and watch it that way - https://youtu.be/0T3K-thxsHo.
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