Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Oshkosh Common Council to vote on water, sewer rate increases

On June 26 the Oshkosh Common Council will vote on whether to raise water and sewer rates for Oshkosh property owners. They are proposed to increase by 16.9 percent for water service and 19.8 percent for sewer. This will equate to about a $6.70 per month ($20.10 per quarter, which is how the city bills water/sewer customers) overall increase in bills for the average water user. The matter had been on the agenda for the June 12 Common Council meeting, but was laid over so more information could be obtained.

A memo from the city’s rate consultant along with interesting water and sewer information can be found at councilman Bryan Bain’s blog site. In addition, Bryan has a more detailed explanation of the entire rate issue and is asking for citizen input prior to next Tuesday’s vote. You can give him your thoughts or ask questions about the proposed increase by going here.


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