Friday, January 28, 2005

last night's debate

Contributed by: Anonymous
After watching the debate last night for the City Council, it came out as a complete surprise. Someone with no experience stole the show, while a veteran on the Council looked horrible.

In my opinion, newcomer Andrew Koerwitz stole the show by talking about past city failures, bringing up the 5-2 vote situation and how some people are carrying out thier own agenda on the Council and making several points that he knew quite possible draw fire from some people. All of this drew me off by suprise. To talk about things that happened 30 years ago and be only 22 showed he's doing his homework and to say that the "fab five" are carrying out thier own agenda rather than listening to the general public AND City Manager Richard Wollangk.

Also, I believe that Shirley Brabender Mattox looked inexperience and not prepared, despite being one of two incumbents. I also believe she showed up late too. And did anyone see Ken Bender talk to her afterwards! He apparently had some things to say.

Besides Koerwitz, Cheryl Hentz did well. I believe Koerwitz and Hentz are the front runners while Bob Poeschl, Jenny Ryan, and Mike Domke need alot of help in the next two weeks to make the 14 to 6 cut. But good job to all that participated last night!