Monday, March 13, 2006

Board supervisor explains NO vote on Park View Health Center

[Last month the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors overwhelmingly voted in favor of building a new Park View Health Center at a cost of approximately $20.5 million. Besides two abstentions from the vote, there was one vote opposing the resolution. That "nay" vote was from Kathleen Lennon, who represents District 15 (Oshkosh). Earlier today we received an email from her explaining her vote. That email is reprinted here with her permission. We thank Kathy for sending it to us.]

Our last County Board meeting was in February. I was the only County Board Supervisor to vote no. I wanted to explain my thoughts for doing so. First of all I'm NOT against a County run nursing home. I feel Winnebago County has a need for this service. The Park View administration, the doctors, nurses and all staff is without a doubt exceptional. I not only hear, but I can see first hand, the commitment, of professional, care and compassion.

When we voted unanimously to decrease the number of beds, I was thinking about the States incentive of Two Million dollars. We voted, and little did we know the State had abolished that incentive. That made me think, what other incentives are going to be gone? Last and foremost is money. I feel we had vieable options, we took little to no time with. From the beginning of my two years on The County Board we have had money saving options in front of us. It was "The ALL or NOTHING " that really concerned me. I asked the citizens their thoughts. Money (or lack of it ) State and Federal funding is their concern too. I felt a No vote was my way of listening. On this vote I hope I'm wrong.

Kathy Lennon
District 15


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