Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Department of Transportation rolls out Wisconsin Street bridge construction web site

Construction of a new Wisconsin Street bridge in Oshkosh gets underway this fall, but even before that happens – and continuing throughout the entire two-year project - people will be able to watch it unfold from the comfort of their home or office.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has launched a web site which profiles the project, including maps and renderings of the planned bridge. A project schedule will be included and once constructions gets underway, progress reports and photographs will be added.

The new bridge will be constructed approximately 85 feet to the north of the current bridge, which will remain open to vehicular and pedestrian traffic during most phases of the construction. The project includes bike lanes, pedestrian walkways and lighted underpasses for people to be able to safely use the trails adjacent to the bridge. The bridge’s connections to both Wisconsin Street and Witzel Avenue will also be rebuilt during this time, making them safer. Many people have complained about the unsafe design of the connection to Witzel as people come off on the south end of the bridge and can either turn onto Witzel or continue down Ohio. The DOT previously told "Eye on Oshkosh" that that design would be corrected and, as a result, made safer when the bridge and its connections are redone. Once the new bridge is completed, the old one will be removed.

Check out the DOT's new site for this construction project at


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