Friday, August 21, 2009

Congrats to Oshkosh Parks department on success with Leach

The kids may soon be heading back to school, a sure sign that summer is coming to an end. But that doesn't mean the party at the Leach Amphitheater is coming to an end. There are still plenty of activities going on there. For a full list of events, visit the Leach's web site at Leach

But as the summer winds down and so much of the first season of the Leach being operated and managed by our city parks department, it is an appropriate time to congratulate and give kudos to parks director Tom Stephany and his administrative assistant, Trish Wendorf. The first season under their direction and guidance has been amazing - a difference of night and day from what PMI did for the first few years managing the venue. We don't know yet what the actual numbers and dollars and cents will look like when the first season officially comes to a close, but I can say this: The venue's web site is vibrant, exciting, informational, current and easy to navigate; there have been marquee-type stands strategically placed in high traffic areas around the city promoting upcoming events at the Leach; and people I've talked with have expressed real pleasure with the job these hard-working folks have done. I know some citizens had doubts at first about whether our parks department could actually do something different (i.e., better) than what a professional promotions and management company could do. They have not only pulled it off, but in my and many other people's opinion, succeeded in their efforts.

Congrats and a big high five to Tom, Trish and the rest of the parks department staff involved in the Leach promotion and management. Thanks for all you've done to turn this around and get lots more positive talk from residents and taxpayers.


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