Monday, October 24, 2016

Eye on Oshkosh hits the radio airwaves

Since 2002 Eye on Oshkosh has been on cable access TV (and all shows are archived on You Tube). Today I have added a new dimension to the show - I'm now also doing Eye on Oshkosh (the radio show). Some of the shows will be unique; others will be a duplicate of what's on TV and You Tube. But there will always be information that is interesting and something you can hopefully use in your day-to-day life).

Below is a link to the first unique show, in which I discuss holiday pet safety with Dr. Elizabeth Holt of Badgerland Veterinary Clinic in Oshkosh. Oodles of great information. I encourage you to download it and give it a listen.

Thanks to Scott at Oshkosh Media and the Friends of Oshkosh Media for their help and support. 


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