What is the REAL story about the City of Oshkosh's new Rental Inspection program
Since the City of Oshkosh announced and subsequently adopted, a Rental Inspection program, which took effect at the start of the new year, rumors have been flying around that simply are untrue. You may have also seen the signs around town that read "Renters Have Rights, Too." Renters do have rights and the inspection program IN NO WAY violates those rights. As a matter of fact, the new ordinance and inspection program will actually help to guarantee rights that renters may not even be aware they had.
The Chief Building Official in the Inspection Services Division of the City of Oshkosh was a recent guest on Eye on Oshkosh. As he explains during the hour-long program, the purpose of the inspections is to protect tenants or renters from things that could be safety hazards, etc., and, in turn, to protect landlords from having issues that could potentially impact them if a tenant should sue them. Those are just a few of the benefits of the program and ordinance. You can see the program in its entirety here: https://youtu.be/411Xwgqwadg.
The Chief Building Official in the Inspection Services Division of the City of Oshkosh was a recent guest on Eye on Oshkosh. As he explains during the hour-long program, the purpose of the inspections is to protect tenants or renters from things that could be safety hazards, etc., and, in turn, to protect landlords from having issues that could potentially impact them if a tenant should sue them. Those are just a few of the benefits of the program and ordinance. You can see the program in its entirety here: https://youtu.be/411Xwgqwadg.
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