Friday, April 28, 2006

Wisconsin Assembly approves gov't spending limits in all-night session

Members of the State Assembly battled each other into the wee hours of this morning to narrowly pass a constitutional amendment that would limit state spending. The measure, approved on a 50-48 vote was quickly drafted after earlier versions failed to go anywhere.

The approved measure limits state spending, but virtually removes caps on local government revenues. Still, many believe that it is the local governments which will ultimately feel the fallout from this measure.

The proposed amendment now goes to the state Senate, where its fate is uncertain. Any amendment to the state constitution must pass two consecutive legislative sessions and a statewide referendum before it can become law. It could not appear on a ballot for voters' consideration sooner than April 2007.

Read more about it at these links:

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lennon denies Jelinski’s request for documents from Paulus investigation

Within days of E.J. Jelinski’s appearance on Eye on Oshkosh airing for the first time, Winnebago County District Attorney Bill Lennon has denied Jelinski’s open records request for files and other materials associated with the D.A.’s investigation into the activities of former D.A. Joe Paulus.

In issuing that denial, made public today, Lennon said he had conferred with the state Department of Justice, which is conducting its own investigation of Paulus. Lennon said the release of records assembled by his office while investigating Paulus would jeopardize the DOJ’s investigation. He also said that if Paulus or others were eventually charged, the records' release might also prevent those defendants from receiving a fair trial.

Jelinski tells Eye on Oshkosh he has been waiting for a denial so that he can proceed with his next step – filing a civil suit asking that a court order Lennon to release the records.

“I plan to seek a Writ of Mandamus, which is basically filing a civil suit in Circuit Court asking a judge to file an order, ordering an elected official to do what they’re supposed to do. My argument is Lennon is supposed to release these records according to law; he hasn’t done it, in violation of law; and I’m seeking an order forcing him to do it,” Jelinski said.

He is not swayed by Lennon’s citing two separate court cases which he claims support his denial of Jelinski’s request.

“The State ex rel Richards v. Faust case basically says that because district attorneys’ office files often have confidential information in them that they are an exception to the common law rule allowing for open records. I want to make the argument that State ex rel Richards v. Faust does not apply in this case because the district attorney’s office is essentially investigating itself, and because of that the public interest overrides any privacy concerns that State ex rel Richards v. Faust may have concerns about. So it should be an exception to the exception to the rule,” Jelinski continued.

Jelinski contends that the district attorney's office investigation and that of the attorney general's office are separate unto themselves, and because Lennon said his own office's investigation was concluded and closed, the records should be released.

Jelinski is not sure exactly when he will file suit, but said it will happen sometime within the next 30 days. Given the number of people in the Winnebago County Circuit Court system with conflicts of interest in this matter, Jelinski’s suit will likely be heard in another county.

Chamco board says it’s not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now

Last week the executive committee for Chamco – the city’s partner in industrial development – said it wanted to pass on soliciting commercial development for the City of Oshkosh. This morning, its board of directors basically said the same thing.

The consensus among board members is that Chamco is too busy with other projects right now and doesn’t have the appropriate time, or manpower, to take on commercial development, despite councilman Paul Esslinger’s continued push for Chamco to lead the charge in this area.

People have complained for years, including the hosts – both past and present of Eye on Oshkosh – that there has not been nearly enough done by the Oshkosh Commercial Development Corporation (OCDC), now known as the Oshkosh Area Economic Development Corp. (OAEDC). And it was Esslinger who sponsored a resolution on last Tuesday evening’s council meeting agenda for Chamco to be considered for that role. His resolution failed on a vote of 1-6, with other councilors suggesting a future workshop to hear from representatives from OAEDC on what they’re doing from a commercial development standpoint and what they might be capable of.

Certainly Chamco has done a marvelous job from an industrial standpoint and should get all of our praise, but if they are not in a position right now to take on new responsibilities, Oshkosh must have a back-up plan in place. That’s why a workshop makes sense, but it can’t stop there. We have had enough of past councils and individual council members talking about things, but no follow-through being done from where citizens sit. After the workshop, or perhaps as a part of it, the council needs to decide specifically what they want a commercial-seeking entity to accomplish – whether it be OAEDC, Chamco, or some other entity altogether – set forth some reasonable and attainable goals, and then subsequently put out a Request for Proposals. And when an organization is decided on, the council must insist on and require accountability.

As they approach these tasks, council members might want to talk to Future Neenah, Inc. This organization has been instrumental in not only helping keep business in Neenah, but bringing in new business and promoting the downtown at the same time. Many lessons could be learned from them. They have a proven track record and have helped put downtown Neenah and commercial Neenah on the map. That is what we need in Oshkosh – once and for all.
- Cheryl Hentz

The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

Chamco board says it’s not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: admin on Thursday, April 27 2006 @ 08:15 PM MDT
[NOTE: Administration has moved this comment to this section so the discussion can be continued in an area that is less "busy" and that is focused solely on this issue.]

Authored by: oshwi324 on Thursday, April 27 2006 @ 08:06 PM MDT Does the city's (OK, Esslinger's) resolution to recommend CHAMCO reek of the same "waive the bid" issues that plagued the city with the amphitheater bathrooms? If we're interested in choosing an agency to promote the retail and commercial growth within the city, shouldn't we do it more along the lines of an RFP than just asking a specific agency to do it? I don't know on this one...that's why I am asking your opinions. At first blush, tho, this seems odd that the city would just ask an agency to do it without giving others a fair kick at the cat. Opinions?

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: admin on Friday, April 28 2006 @ 07:23 AM MDT
Oshwi324, I had not thought about this aspect with regard to Esslinger's proposal, but you raise a very interesting and, I think, valid point. The argument could be made that Chamco has a proven track record of working with the city and might be the only agency of its type around capable of handling this kind of task (commercial and retail development). Yet that same argument could have been, and if I recall correctly even WAS used as to why C.R. Meyer should be given the thumbs up on doing the the bathroom project when it was (e.g., they're already doing part of the amphitheater project; they know the terrain and the contamination problems; they've got a good reputation; they've done a lot for the city; etc.)But it is true that unless you get bids from people you don't know what, or who, you might find. And it sounds like the city is going to have to do that anyway since both Chamco's executive committee and board of directors as a whole have passed on Esslinger's concept, at least for the immediate future. Good call!
- Cheryl

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: Beavis on Friday, April 28 2006 @ 11:37 AM MDT
Ultimately, it may be best to have an RFP for this service. But as a point of fact, legally, the city is not required to have RFP for this service because it is a specialization in our purchasing process. If you have any further questions regarding this issue, the City Attorney can answer your questions. His number is 236-5115
-Paul Esslinger

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: mjs on Friday, April 28 2006 @ 02:07 PM MDT
Although I am disappointed at the initial stance taken by the CHAMCO board, I remain optimistic that we are now apparently getting traction on the horrible commercial development issue in Oshkosh.Many good points were made by Ms. Blochel, Mr. Peck and Mr. Pearson at the last council meeting. Mr. Peck again commented on the tired old excuse we all are fed that Oshkosh resides between Fond du Lac and Appleton, therefore large retailers will not locate here. That excuse is simply irrelevant. Mr. Peck and I agree we can and must do better!If large retailers can construct multiple stores in Appleton and the greater Appleton area, it just doesn’t wash that the distance factor is the issue. I firmly believe there are issues…but we are not hearing the truth as to exactly what they are. Let’s hope the council schedules a workshop and trouble shoots this problem in the very near future. The end result of that workshop should be to take the next step and construct a RFP and get it out there, in the hands of professionals who know what’s needed to attract retail. I have been a life long resident in Oshkosh, and it frustrates me to see our city looked upon as a second class city, because we are unable to attract and maintain a reasonable retail offering for a city of 65,000+ residents.Back in the 70’s, Oshkosh was presented with the opportunity to have a regional mall located at the intersection on highways 21 & 41. That opportunity was turned down, largely due to political pressure brought on by a large employer. That same opportunity was offered to Appleton and now the Town of Grand Chute has the Fox River Mall. The mall and all the retail and tax base growth that went with it should have been in Oshkosh. Let’s not let retail opportunities slip though our fingers again!

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: admin on Friday, April 28 2006 @ 03:40 PM MDT
The city may not be required to put out an RFP for this service, but there certainly is no reason it can't anyway, nor shouldn't. To say "we don't have to" is not a very responsible answer - despite the outstanding job Chamco has done for our local industry. I'm not really sure what it means to say "it is a specialization in our purchasing process." Does that mean not that many agencies do this kind of work so we don't have to solicit bids? Or does it mean something else? Either way, Mr. Esslinger has argued against bid-waiving in the past and I would think, required or not, he would have been first in line to suggest RFPs, especially when Chamco's executive committee originally said it was not interested and now that has been reiterated by its board of directors.
- Cheryl

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: chzhead on Friday, April 28 2006 @ 09:05 PM MDT
Cheryl, What needs to be understood here is that the city is not asking Chamco to take over the commercial development. The city is asking for them to prepare a proposal on how they would do it and what it would cost. Also as for the 'bid waiving', it has nothing to do with bids. The city is simply asking them to expand on the duties that they are currently performing. They are doing a job for the city that is directly related to the area that is being offered.

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: mjs on Sunday, April 30 2006 @ 08:41 AM MDT
More positive news in the Sunday edition of the Northwestern. At an editorial board meeting held Friday, Doug Pearson again drove home the need to change the way Oshkosh is handling commercial development, recruitment and retention.It appears that Doug has the support of the CHAMCO Board Chairman, Jack Schloesser. Mr. Schloesser is an extremely successful businessman. Mr. Schloesser is President and CEO of OEC Graphics. OEC Graphics has a long rich history in Oshkosh (OEC=Oshkosh Engraving Company) and through the years has experienced extraordinary growth. OEC provides high quality jobs to hundreds of men and women at their multi-plant locations.Given the proper resources and support, CHAMCO's involvement in Oshkosh commercial development guided at a strategic level by Jack Schloesser and at a tactical level by Doug Pearson will be a force to be reckoned with...success will be achieved. Lets make this happen!

Chamco board says it's not interested in taking on commercial development, at least not now
Authored by: admin on Tuesday, May 02 2006 @ 10:41 PM MDT
Chzhead, I appreciate your comments, however, am a little confused by them at the same time. On the one hand you say the city is not asking CHAMCO to take over commercial development. But elsewhere in your comment you say the city is asking them to expand on the duties they’re currently performing. It doesn’t matter how it’s worded: the end result would be CHAMCO taking over commercial and retail development in the city. More specifically, the very first part of Mr. Esslinger’s resolution alone seemed to indicate CHAMCO taking over in these areas. It read: “Be it resolved by the Common Council of the City of Oshkosh that the proper city officials are authorized and directed as follows: 1. To request that the CHAMCO, Inc., Board of Directors reviews the Council’s request to become the economic development agent of the City of Oshkosh for all forms of commercial development and retention; including but not limited to retail and professional office businesses.”

That part of the resolution is worded in such a way that most people would naturally take that to mean that Mr. Esslinger (since he sponsored this resolution) and the rest of the council (had they approved it) were asking CHAMCO to do exactly that: lead the charge in retail and commercial development. The fact that the words “become the economic development agent for…” are part of that resolution suggest that taking over such development is exactly what was intended and that they are NOT doing it now, though they are performing a like service, albeit in a different vein.

Granted, item number 2 in the resolution asked CHAMCO, if they were interested, to submit a proposal “regarding a list of services to be provided, and the staffing and funding needs, if any, that will be required of the City.” But if Mr. Esslinger’s intent was to solicit the same information from other agencies and/or organizations, it seems he would have had his resolution drafted in such a way that the city would have put out a Request for Proposals. But the resolution spoke only about CHAMCO and, in fact, Esslinger’s own words on this web site stated that the city is not required to use RFPs in this case. I don’t believe Mr. Esslinger was ever desirous of anyone else performing this service for the city. Nor do I believe the citizens who have spoken at city council meetings, on blog sites, or in letters to the editor of late believed that anyone other than CHAMCO was being considered for this position.

As to whether bids are required for this or not is not the real issue in my mind. I know someone else asked if this could be considered a type of illegal bid-waiving and I suggested it seemed plausible. But again, as far as I am concerned, while CHAMCO has done an outstanding job in industrial development and could probably be equally as successful with new challenges, it is unclear as to whether the organization wants to take on the additional challenges, or is even in a position to do so. The sentiment seems to change almost weekly, depending in large part on who at CHAMCO is being quoted. I have also been very outspoken about the former OCDC not being very productive or proactive in the areas of retail, commercial and economic development – a position I still maintain. But I do think the city should get proposals from several organizations and see where we can get the most bang for our buck. Perhaps a consortium of different organizations will be formed. Or maybe it will be one single entity doing the job. Maybe there will be a pool of ideas coming from several resources. We don’t know just yet exactly what the city expects from a development agency and we won’t know who is best suited for that unless we brainstorm how best to do this and/or ask the question of different organizations. Maybe the answer will be CHAMCO; maybe it will be someone else – only time will tell. But we can't afford to waste much more time. On that I think we can all agree.
- Cheryl

OASD Board Meeting

Thursday, April 27 2006 @ 12:12 PM MDT
Contributed by: Jim B.
I had a chance to watch my first board meeting last night. Although I try to keep informed, I never actually watched a meeting on cable. I couldn't help but think the mirror image of the OASD board to the Common Council. Different group, but very similar in many aspects. One aspect is the similarity between Mr. Schneider and Mr Esslinger. Although my first impression of Mr. Schneider was that he was far less informed and articulate than Mr Esslinger, I saw similarities. Mr. Schneider plays the same role as Mr. Esslinger.

Here is an example, the board was voting on the wellness program for 2007. Part of this includes the schools with soda machines to eliminate soda next year. Their are oodles and oodles of research out there proving how bad soda is for our kids for a myriad of reasons. This seemed to be lost on Mr. Schneider. He just couldn't grasp the concept and mentioned how student will or are selling soda out of their trunks. He went on to question if this would change the fact that some teachers who use food or sweets as a reward. He couldnt imagine that happening. I naively thought that most educated parents would know how bad it is to use food as a reward for anything.

Then as Merrill School was giving their presentation on their healthy living charter school he questioned the principal why nachos and hot dogs were so bad as that was what he grew up eating, and he turned out alright??? Obviously, anything in moderation is ok, but c'mon. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that hot dogs and nachos are not good for you(especially the frequency they are served to our children).

Come to think of it, I wouldn't want to insult Mr. Esslinger with the comparison!!!

Jim B.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Floating docks may not be allowed, says DNR

According to the Oshkosh Northwestern online this afternoon, the floating docks down by the Leach Amphitheater may not happen after all. It seems that the state Department of Natural Resources not only may deny the city's permit request for the docks, but encourage them to adopt an ordinance to ward off boat traffic in that area. Here is the link for the online piece. More details will be available in tomorrow's edition, they say.

You can read the story here:

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers

Graduates of Oshkosh’s first Citizens Academy have shared some interesting tidbits of information that I think some city councilors, if not all, would be surprised to hear.

First, citizens academy participants were apparently aware of certain things related to the budget about five to six weeks prior to when the city council was given the answers. As part of that, they were aware that a garbage fee might be coming down the pike before the city council was told about it. This begs the obvious question: Why can’t budget information be gotten out to the city council earlier than it is? Waiting until practically the last minute is not right and it ties the council’s hands to a certain degree.

The second thing the public and some council members, if not all, need to know is that our director of community development Jackson Kinney is responsible for turning away some business in downtown Oshkosh. On the one hand we hear him preaching about how we need development down there. On the other hand he seems to have summarily rejected at least one business from going there.

Two graduates from the citizens academy have told me that Mr. Kinney told the “class” that the city was approached by someone who wanted to put a grocery store downtown, but that the idea was rejected because it was an off-brand store and the city would like a more upscale or name-brand store downtown. First of all, we need a grocery store downtown for the people who live and work there. It is something people have talked about ever since Walgreens left, maybe even before. The city apparently feels we need a grocery store there too, unfortunately they’re holding out for something more golden. If something more upscale is the obvious ticket, why isn’t it happening? More importantly, why does it need to be more upscale? Aldi’s is an off-brand store, for example, but it has been successful. If it’s because the city is trying to attract a yuppie-type atmosphere downtown, forget it. Since being built and being unable to fill to capacity as an upscale property, the 100 N. Main apartments have given away at least a month of free rent and I believe even lowered the monthly rate in order to attract residents. So the “upscale” factor has lost some of its allure. A grocery store is a grocery store and while some may offer things others don’t, the bottom line is what needs to be looked at. We need a grocery store downtown and should not be picky whether it’s upscale or off-brand. And what we really don’t need is Jackson Kinney making decisions and nixing plans that some, maybe all, of the city council wasn’t aware of. And if a different council than the one that just ended was aware of this rejected concept, those members owe us an explanation of why they either rejected such an idea or were in favor of it being turned away by Mr. Kinney or his department.

It seems to me city council members need to question Jackson Kinney about this and I think it should be done during a regular televised city council meeting. After all, that is when the council does its business and that is where the taxpayers get to see business being done. We deserve to hear Mr. Kinney’s explanation as to why we don’t get to say what we want our money spent on but he gets to say what will and will not go in the downtown we’re helping pay for. I know some city council members prefer asking questions in private. That may be their preferred style of doing things, but that is NOT what is needed here. We have enough things being done in private. Ask the questions publicly so the public can see the way things really are. We deserve that much – from the city administration and you, as our elected representatives.

- Cheryl Hentz

The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: admin on Saturday, May 06 2006 @ 04:50 PM MDT
Councilwoman Meredith Scheuermann recently sent an email to Jackson Kinney inquiring about the grocery store that was discouraged from going in downtown, according to some graduates of the recent Citizens Academy. We thank Mrs. Scheuermann for forwarding his answers to us. Following is his response, verbatim:

"I can't recall the discussion. I very possibly said that we were were interested in seeing a grocery store locate in the downtown area, and I may have indicated that we had been approached previously by Sav-A-Lot (at least several years ago), who was interested in finding the right site somewhere in the downtown/central city area. The right site to them meant a site of about 2 acres somewhere north of the river in the central city area.

"Trying to find an appropriate location of the right size was not an easy task, especially given the size requirement and given the fact that in most locations we were looking at, it would take some significant investments in redevelopment and relocation, and given the relatively low value of their anticipated investment/improvement, the project would not be able to cover the costs from a TIF standpoint. I would have certainly not gone into this type of detail with the Citizens Academy, where any remarks I made was part of the bus tour.

"I certainly would have indicated, however, and very possibly did, that we would not recommend that Sav-A-Lot be located in the Marion Road Redevelopment Area, and that we would rather see in that particular area (essentially along Jackson St.) a more "upscale" grocery than a Sav-A-Lot (if you've seen a Sav-A-Lot, you'll understand why), especially given the investment that we've made in preparing that area for development, and what we should want to see in terms of the quality and level of investment)."

In a subsequent email Mr. Kinney added this:

"Someone forwarded me the blog story on Cheryl Hentz's web site. If I didn't make myself clear, let me expound a bit more. We spent time and effort working to find a site that made sense for the Save-A-Lot. In learning more about Save-A-Lot, I visited stores in several communities. That gave us a good understanding of the operation and the typical building improvement that is reflected in such a development. Even though we received no specific proposal from Save-A-Lot (so we never rejected any request), we've continued to keep an eye out for the right opportunity where we could make a store work somewhere in the downtown/central city area. We've even explored one site on N. Main Street, but the issue there is it is smaller than the site parameters we were initially given by their representative. What's important to note, that even though we never received a proposal from Save-A-Lot, we've kept the company's prior general interest in mind, with the hope that we could find the right fit for this business."

For anyone interested in seeing what Save-A-Lot is all about, they can visit the chain’s web site here. I guess I just don’t understand why we have to be so snobby as to require something “upscale.” Do people really care that much where they buy eggs, milk, butter and toilet paper? Perhaps we should think more about the people such a store would serve on a regular basis, rather than some of the more “upscale,” but temporary or transient people we’re apparently trying to create an image for. Again, if places like Pick ‘n Save were so interested in establishing a downtown location, why haven’t they? And why would Save-A-Lot bother to submit a formal proposal if our city planners made it clear early on their store was not up to the standards desired for that specific area?

- Cheryl

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: tthiel on Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 12:05 AM MDT
I'd have to say Cheryl that I do think some people do care where they buy the essentials and other food etc. I personally go where ever the best price is but I know there are people that would never set food in an Aldi or Save A Lot store and certainly wouldn't buy anything in one. Snobby yes, reality, I would argue yes.

Admittedly I don't know a lot about this issue but from what is posted it didn't sound like the city is saying no Save A Lot downtown, just saying no Save A Lot in the Marion Road Development area (I also got the impression from the term "upscale" he was referring to something like a Sendicks not a Pick 'n Save)

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: admin on Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 01:27 PM MDT
Teresa, I understand what you're saying about some people being very particular about where they shop. But the people being served by something in the downtown area had only a Walgreens before. I don't think they'd mind a Save-A-Lot. Plus, people would still have the option to go somewhere else if they wanted, just as people not living in the downtown area could go shop at the Save-A-Lot if they so chose.

I find it interesting though, that Jackson Kinney is worried about a business like Save-A-Lot being able to help the city recover the TIF costs. I wonder if the reps from Save-A-Lot even inquired about a TIF or if this was another case where Mr. Kinney just assumed that would be the only way this city could get development done in areas like downtown.

I also wish he was as concerned about the Five Rivers project being viable in that sense as he was about a Save-A-Lot. And I doubt any investment the city would make for a Save-A-Lot would be anywhere near the size of the investment being required of us for Five Rivers. Is he applying the same judicious criteria to Five Rivers as he did to Save-A-Lot, or have his eyes gone blind with the vision of dollar signs and bragging rights by having a complex like Five Rivers here in Oshkosh?

Though Mr. Kinney didn't say it in his email, one of the people from the Academy said he actually mentioned a Pick 'n Save, which is where I drew that from.

Bottom line, they have been messing around with this concept for several years, so why have they not been able to make any progress in getting a grocery store down there? If the "right stores" aren't stepping up to express interest, maybe it's time to look at someone who has, especially since the big discussion right now is retail and commercial development.

- Cheryl

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: tthiel on Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 01:37 PM MDT
I wasn't really defending Mr. Kinney, frankly I don't know that much about him but if he really thinks Pick n' Save is upscale then I say you might as well go with a Sav a Lot store because while I shop at Pick n' Save I wouldn't call it "upscale". I do think they should be able to find a place for the Save a Lot and maybe they aren't looking too hard because they really don't want it downtown. If that is true it is not only snobbish it is foolish.

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: admin on Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 02:00 PM MDT
Oh, I didn't think you were defending him at all, but rather perhaps the concept. I don't really know what might be considered an upscale grocery store around here. In other parts of the country where I lived there were truly upscale stores: they were part of no chain at all; they were very specialized in what they offered; and you paid through the nose for items, no matter what they were. Pick 'n Save is a fine store, as are some of the others we have in Oshkosh. But common sense seems to dictate that if Mr. Kinney can't get them interested, he has to accept that and be more flexible in his thinking to get something downtown that is actually interested in being there.

- Cheryl

Oshkosh Common Council needs to get a few answers
Authored by: alibi2day on Monday, May 08 2006 @ 03:19 PM MDT
TOO snobbish and TOO foolish

Good words to best describe the whole Five Rivers
Project and the concept of the Downtown and Marion Road redevelopment projects.
A grocery store?? that would be giving citizens what is needed.
These projects are designed to fill WHATS not NEEDS.
The Council lacks leadership and Common Sense?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount

[We have received the following official MINUTES OF RECOUNT HELD BY THE BOARD
FOR THE OFFICE OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER, SPRING ELECTION HELD APRIL 4, 2006 and are pleased to present them here for our readers. We thank Teresa Thiel for graciously providing these minutes to us. The minutes are lengthy and, in some cases dry, but they will shed some light on exactly what happened during the weeklong recount, as well as clear up some of the discrepancies we all no doubt saw on various Web logs while the recount was going on. In transferring them to this site, the formatting may have slightly changed. If someone would like a copy in M/S Word format, please email the site administrator at and you will be sent a separate copy.]

** Note: these are the official minutes, completely devoid of bias toward either side and containing no personal commentary from or editorializing by the recording secretary.



The meeting of the Board was called to order at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, April 7, 2006 in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of recounting the results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member.

Board of Canvassers present: Teresa Collins, Claudette Elliott, Kim Ringler, Tony Renning, attorney for the Board of Canvassers

Candidates present were: Dan Becker, Amy Weinsheim, Michelle Monte

Also present were Paul Esslinger, Janie Robson, City Clerk Pam Ubrig

Dan Becker objected to Attorney Renning representing the Board of Canvassers because he also represents the Board of Education. Mr. Becker contended Attorney Renning has a conflict of interest. Mr. Renning indicated that no conflict of interest existed and that he would represent the Board of Canvasser.

Clerk Designee Teresa Collins (See Bowen letter) stated that the meeting was noticed on Thursday, April 6, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. (See Notice) It was determined that all election materials would be locked in a designated conference room at all times when the Board was not present. This conference room was re-keyed by a school district locksmith and Clerk Designee Collins has the only key to that room.

Clerk Designee Collins stated that Dan Becker submitted a petition (See Petition) for a recount at 6:10 p.m. on April 5, 2006. The petition along with a Notice of Recount Election was hand-delivered to each of the six candidates on Thursday, April 6, 2006, with a signed receipt obtained. (See Notices) A Certificate of Service was attached to a copy of each Notice for district files. (See Certificates of Service.)

Pam Ubrig read a statement into the record. (See Voting Statement)

Dan Becker submitted a list of people to act or speak on his behalf. (See Becker list) That list included the following: Amy Resop, Ann Rumbuc, Melanie Bloechl, Fred Boss, Anne Boss, Paul Esslinger, Michelle Monte, Andy Turner, Michelle Litjens, Tamara Mugerauer, Dennis McHugh, and Tom Sitter. There were no objections.

Becker asked City Clerk Pam Ubrig why out of all the clocks on the voting machines, two were not adjusted. Ubrig responded that she was training her assistant to do the testing. She watched her do the first 3 testings and the fourth one the assistant did on her own and she missed adjusting the clock. It was a simple error and she forgot to change the clock. When you view the 0 tape, it’s going to be an hour off.

Becker responded that there is no way to determine when the 0 tape was run. One could argue that it was run at 5:30. There is no way to prove when that tape was run.

Becker then questioned the ballot box at St. Andrews Church. Becker inquired as to whether, at any point, people standing in line would have perceived there was a problem and left. City Clerk Pam Ubrig responded that she could only speak to the time she was there and at the time she was there, there was never a long line and the voting never stopped. Ubrig further maintained that this is possible when the machine is working.

Becker asked City Clerk Pam Ubrig about the machine used at Franklin School. Memory cards were tested prior to the election so Becker inquired as to what actually happened to them between the test and the return to city hall. Ubrig responded that the memory cards are sealed in that machine’s compartment and stored in the vault until April 3. On April 3 they pick up supplies and tabulators and take them to the polls that morning. At the end of Election Day, an “ender card” is put through. At that time they break the seal and are instructed not to put the memory cards next to anything magnetic. We do a direct upload and modem over to the County. Becker asked if there was a reasonable explanation as to how the memory card wound up being blank. Ubrig responded that something as simple as an electric shock could clear out the memory card.

A test of the voting machine was run at 1:30 p.m. in front of the Board of Canvassers as well as Dan Becker and Amy Weinsheim. The result was verified. Mr. Becker asked if each voting machine is subjected to this test and City Clerk Pam Ubrig responded that yes, they were. There are 17 voting machines.

Janey Robson, a citizen speaking on her own behalf, asked if this recount was going to cost the district money. Mr. Renning responded that there will be a cost to the district and that will not be known until after the recount is concluded.

Paul Esslinger responded on his behalf that if there is a problem with voting machines, he thinks it is very important that we have this recount.

Amy Weinsheim stated that she has never been through this process and does not have anyone scheduled to speak on her behalf. She asked for the process in case she wouldn’t be available certain days. Mr. Renning asked her to provide a list of people who can speak/act on her behalf.

City Clerk Pam Ubrig asked if she could take the test materials back to her office since the test had been performed. It was noted that Winnebago County has all the same voting equipment so their memory cards will work in this machine. There were no objections.

Mr. Becker asked how this particular machine was selected to be here today. It was noted that the machine was #4, which was the same machine used at St. Andrew’s.

Mr. Becker asked for it to be noted that Helen Kind and Denise Butler are taking part and not being used as tabulators. That is not the function they are serving. Mr. Renning explained that they are not members of the Board of Canvassers but are being used by the Board of Canvassers as tabulators and for assistance.

City Clerk Pam Ubrig explained that poll workers have envelopes to put documentation into. Everything for the City is red, the County is blue, and the School District is green. From the City they will be pulling out the poll list. From the County, they will be pulling out the County poll list; absentee envelopes, which are stored in a vault until Election Day and opened at the polls; and any rejected absentee ballots. From the School District they will be pulling out the tape and any inspector statements. The other thing needed will be the memory card. Ms. Ubrig then explained the process of checking absentee envelopes and applications.

Absentee Envelopes – Ward 1
DM – notified of address change to take effect in the future.

Mr. Becker objected that a signature was in pencil (Marked #1). The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to accept the signature.

Absentee Envelopes – Ward 2
PH missing application for absentee ballot. (Marked #2)
RH missing application for absentee ballot. (Marked #3)
Becker objected that there were apparently no applications ever made for the above-named absentee ballot envelopes. Both absentee envelopes (Marked #2 and #3 above) were laid aside. No applications were found after going through all 3 application binders.

Mr. Becker requested that he or one of his representatives be in the room whenever the ballots are in the room.

Ward 1
City Poll List Certification = 293
County Poll List Certification = 293
Canvass Tape = 294

Ward 2
City Poll List Certification = 313
County Poll List Certification = 313
Canvass Tape = 312

It was determined that a wrong color ballot was given to a voter. District 1 total, which includes Ward 1 and Ward 2, is correct. Mr. Becker objected that an elector received a wrong color ballot.

The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope and Recreated Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Mr. Becker objected to Denise Butler speaking with Paula Steger, Amy Weinsheim’s mom. Mr. Renning stated that he did not see anything inappropriate with this since Ms. Butler is a tabulator and will not be making any decisions as part of the Canvass Board.

Mr. Becker requested minutes on a daily basis and the Board will try to facilitate his request to the extent possible.

Becker objected to LB not being on the City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #4)
Becker objected to FC not being on the City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #5)
Becker objected to MM #6 not being on the City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #6)

It was noted that the City’s absentee ballot log is an internal tracking piece.

Becker objected to AA not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #7)

It was noted that the tape run for Ward 1 was an hour behind. (See Ms. Ubrig’s statement above.)

Ellen Binder interrupted at 3:58 p.m. with a message that the Ripon School District was requesting ballots from the Town of Utica for purposes of a recount.

Dan Becker objected that absentee ballots needing to be recreated were not identified as being recreated. It was subsequently determined that absentee ballots were, in fact, recreated and the duplicates identified.

Dan Becker objected to an alleged over-vote on a ballot. The Board of Canvassers voted 2-1 that voter intent could be determined and a duplicate ballot was created.

Dan Becker objected to an over-vote and questioned voter intent (#47). The Board unanimously agreed that voter intent could be determined and a duplicate ballot was created.

Amy Weinsheim provided a list of people (See Amy’s list) with permission to speak/act on her behalf in her absence. These included John Weinsheim, Paula Steger, Jerry Steger, Karen Bowen, and Teresa Thiel. Mr. Becker reserved his objection.

Attorney Renning noted for the record that Davis & Kuelthau had contacted the Ethics Board and the State Elections Board and neither expressed any concern with Mr. Renning serving as legal counsel for the Board of Canvassers.

The ballot bag for District 1 was opened at 3:10 p.m. by breaking Seal #0073584. There were signatures of the election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering.

Ward 1
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 73
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 54
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

DAN BECKER 142 142

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 2
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 26
(2 were pulled – Previously marked #1 & #2)
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 23
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 128 128
DAN BECKER 116 116

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag with Seal #0073500 at 5:52 p.m. Claudette Elliott moved, Kim Ringler seconded to recess until Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. and all election materials were returned to Conference Room A.

APRIL 10, 2006

The meeting of the Board of Canvassers was called to order at 8:37 p.m. on Monday, April 10, 2006 in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to recount the results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member.

Board of Canvassers present: Teresa Collins, Claudette Elliott, Kim Ringler, Tony Renning, attorney for the Board of Canvassers.

Candidates present were: Dan Becker, Amy Weinsheim

Lois Linde and Margaret Gantner, both poll workers for the Town of Black Wolf, were introduced as tabulators to provide assistance to the Board of Canvassers should the need arise.

Dan Becker formally objected to the inclusion of Karen Bowen on Amy Weinsheim’s list of representatives to speak/act on her behalf being that Ms. Bowen is an active Board of Education member. Mr. Becker requested a copy of the Canvass Report completed at the end of Friday. A copy was provided.

There was discussion on Friday regarding a recount in the Ripon School District with regard to the Town of Utica. Sue Ertmer, Winnebago County Clerk, stated that she had received a request from the Ripon School District on Friday with regard to a recount of a referendum question. Ripon’s recount will start tomorrow (Tuesday, April 11, 2006). The Board of Canvassers stated that they would count the Town of Utica this morning to allow the ballots to be transferred to the Ripon School District. Once the Town of Utica has been completed, the Board will resume with the City of Oshkosh. There were no objections.

Dan Becker objected that applications were missing for 2 absentee ballots; however, the ballots were counted. They were marked as follows: SF (#1) and LF (#2).
Noted: There was a defective ballot – Voter #120 did not vote.

The ballot bag was opened at 8:43 a.m. The ballot bag had the signatures of the election officials, had been sealed properly, and had not been tampered with. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Utica Poll List Certification = 190
County Poll List Certification = 191
Canvass Tape = 190

The Board was asked to recount the ballots by hand. There were 91 ballots counted.
Dan Becker objected to a discrepancy between the poll list and the ballots.

Number of Absentee Envelopes: 2
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 2
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag and were released to Sue Ertmer, Winnebago County Clerk, at 10 a.m.

Seal #00733499 was broken from the bin holding the ballots at 10:07 a.m. Seal #0073579 was broken on the ballot bag for District 2 at 10:08 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to AB not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #1)
Dan Becker objected to DC not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #2)
Dan Becker objected to RF not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #3)
Dan Becker objected to GH not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #4)
Dan Becker objected to JL not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #5)
Dan Becker objected to MM not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #6)
Dan Becker objected to JM not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #7)
Dan Becker objected to MN not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #8)
Dan Becker objected to ER not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #9)
Dan Becker objected to PS not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #10)
Dan Becker objected to JS not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #11)
Dan Becker objected to JS not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #12)
Dan Becker objected to LS not being on City’s absentee ballot log. (Marked #13)

Amy Weinsheim noted that the application drives the absentee process, not the City’s absentee ballot log.

Dan Becker objected to a blank absentee ballot – voter intent. Amy Weinsheim responded that Mr. Becker is questioning the voter and it is inappropriate.

Dan Becker objected to voter intent. The Board unanimously determined that they could ascertain voter intent. Ballot was Recreated #9.

Dan Becker objected to voter intent. The Board determined that they could ascertain voter intent by a vote of 2-1. Ballot was Recreated #5.

Ward 3
City Poll List Certification = 248
County Poll List Certification = 248
Canvass Tape = 248

Ward 4
City Poll List Certification = 99
County Poll List Certification = 99
Canvass Tape = 99

Ward 3
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 17
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 17
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 109 109
DAN BECKER 101 102

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 4
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 16
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 16
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag with Seal #0073436 at 11:29 a.m.

Seal #0073042 was broken on ballot bag for District 3 at 11:37 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to voter intent on a ballot. The Board unanimously determined that they could ascertain voter intent. The ballot was recreated #2

Ward 5
City Poll List Certification = 38
County Poll List Certification = 38
Canvass Tape = 38

Ward 6
City Poll List Certification = 32
County Poll List Certification = 32
Canvass Tape = 32

Ward 5
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 1
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 1
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 6
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 6
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 6
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag with Seal #0073196 at 11:53 a.m. The ballot bin was secured at 11:54 a.m. with a black tie.

City Clerk Pam Ubrig reported that the two missing applications (Marked #1 & #2) in City District 1 for the absentee ballot envelopes were found. A secretary had put the applications in February election materials instead of transferring them to the April election materials. Ms. Ubrig also stated that voters residing in nursing homes are assisted there; therefore, a separate internal log exists that has those names as well as their voting status, (See Supplemental Log) which explains why there were names missing from the City’s absentee ballot log.

City Clerk Pam Ubrig explained that on Election Day at certain polling sites, she discovered that some “original” ballots were inadvertently put in a folder for empty envelopes instead of being put in the ballot bag along with the “recreated” and other ballots. The Districts where this occurred were District 5, District 8, District 11, and District 12. Ms. Ubrig noticed this when going through the envelopes on Election Night and immediately put the ballots in the City’s vault. Dan Becker objected to the chain of custody of ballots and that the ballots ended up in unsecured envelopes.

Seal #0073575 was broken on ballot bag for District 4 at 1:10p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering.

The Recreated Ballot Envelope was empty. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope contained one absentee envelope which was rejected for no elector’s signature. The envelope was never opened.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to Absentee Envelope bearing first initial and last name. The Board unanimously accepted it as a valid signature based on the witness signature attesting to V. S. (Marked #1)

Dan Becker objected to Absentee Envelope for PB not being entered corrected on the City poll list. The Board unanimously determined clerical error. (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected to no voter number on absentee envelope – poll lists show #159. (Marked #3)
Dan Becker objected to no voter number on absentee envelope – poll list showed #164 (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to voter intent on ballot. The Board unanimously determined it could ascertain voter intent. Marked as Original Recount #19

Dan Becker objected to ballot with no initials. It was pulled (not counted). (Marked #5)

Ward 7
City Poll List Certification = 276
County Poll List Certification = 276
Canvass Tape = 276

Ward 8
City Poll List Certification = 575
County Poll List Certification = 575
Canvass Tape = 575

Ward 7
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 32
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 32
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 100 100
DAN BECKER 117 117

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 8
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 42
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 42
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 279 278
DAN BECKER 202 202

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in ballot bag with Seal #0073480 at 3:08 p.m.

The seal was broken on the ballot bin at 3:15 p.m. Seal #0073596 and Seal #0073077 were broken on ballot bags for District 5 at 3:16 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bags were sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering.

The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained one ballot from Ward 9 and two ballots from Ward 10.

There were two original absentee ballots that did not have recreated ballots. Dan Becker objected that there were no recreated absentee ballots to match up to the two originals. The recreated ballots were found to be on the bottom of the pile as they were being fed through voting machine.

Dan Becker objected to an Absentee Envelope missing an application - PM (Marked #1).
Sue Ertmer, Winnebago County Clerk stated that the State Elections Board does not require that an absentee ballot be rejected because of a lack of application.

Dan Becker objected to an Absentee Envelope missing an application – RM (Marked #2).
Mr. Becker responded to an earlier explanation by City Clerk Pam Ubrig that voters return empty absentee envelopes to remain on the voter list. The back of the envelope specifically states “This envelope to be used by voter for return of marked ballot to officer from whom received.”

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with one set of inspector’s initials and one set of initials under “Absentee Ballot Issued”. The Board felt it was clerical error and accepted the ballot. The ballot was Recreated #3.
Dan Becker objected to voter intent on a ballot. The Board unanimously declared that voter intent could be determined. The ballot was Recreated #6.

Ward 9
City Poll List Certification = 215
County Poll List Certification = 215
Canvass Tape = 215

Ward 10
City Poll List Certification = 265
County Poll List Certification = 265
Canvass Tape = 265

Ward 9
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 13
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 13
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 10
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 8
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 6
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

DAN BECKER 109 109

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073456 at 4:34 p.m.
Two ballot bins were sealed with black ties at 4:35 p.m.

Kim Ringler moved, Claudette Elliott seconded to recess to 8:30 Tuesday morning. The meeting recessed at 4:35 p.m.

APRIL 11, 2006
The meeting of the Board of Canvassers was called to order at 8:36 a.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to recount the results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member.

DISTRICT 6 – WARDS 11 & 12
The seal was broken on the ballot bin at 8:37 p.m. Seal #0073035 was broken on the ballot bags for District 6 at 8:38 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bags were sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope signature in pencil (ST). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the signature as valid. (Marked #1)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope not found on the City’s absentee log (RD). (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being marked incorrectly on the city poll list by one line. The number was recorded correctly on the county poll list. The Board unanimously determined that it was a clerical error. (Marked #3)

In the process of feeding ballots into the voting machine, a voting machine error message “Did not read ballot - See Official” was noted. The ballot was put through a second time with no error.

A ballot was pulled (not counted) due to only one set of inspector’s initials (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to a ballot having red pen marks underneath the black filled-in oval contending someone assisted a voter. The Board unanimously agreed that they could determine voter intent. The Ballot was recreated. (Marked #5).

Dan Becker objected to the validity of a ballot with one set of inspector initials on the line for inspector’s initials and one set of initials placed under “certification of elector assistance”. The Board unanimously agreed that initials were the same as on other ballots and determined that the initials were just inadvertently placed on the wrong line. The ballot was recreated. (Marked #6).

Ward 11
City Poll List Certification = 282
County Poll List Certification = 282
Canvass Tape = 282

Ward 12
City Poll List Certification = 158
County Poll List Certification = 158
Canvass Tape = 158

Ward 11
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 11
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 11
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 100 100
DAN BECKER 109 109

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 12
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 16
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 16
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073492 at 9:40 a.m.

DISTRICT 7 – WARDS 13 & 14
The seal was broken on the ballot bin at 9:40 a.m. Seal #0073531 was broken on the ballot bag for District 7 at 9:42 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bags were sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope and Recreated Ballot Envelope were both empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope and all absentee envelopes were identified on absentee voter log.

Ward 13
City Poll List Certification = 21
County Poll List Certification = 21
Canvass Tape = 21

Ward 14
City Poll List Certification = 39
County Poll List Certification = 39
Canvass Tape = 39

Ward 13
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 14
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 2
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 2
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073445 at 10:56 a.m.

DISTRICT 8 – WARDS 15 & 16
The Seal from the ballot bin containing the ballot bag for District 8 was broken at 10:05 a.m. Dan Becker objected to no signatures on the outside of the ballot bag for District 8.

Attorney Renning’s recommendation to the Board was to note Mr. Becker’s objection and to proceed to count the ballots, which was also the recommendation of the State Elections Board. City Clerk Pam Ubrig indicated that she would request the inspectors and the chairperson from District 8 appear before the Board to explain what had occurred. Ms. Ubrig stated that the lack of signatures appears to be an oversight. The Board decided to proceed with recounting District 9 and delay the recounting of District 8 until the District 8 chairperson and inspectors could explain. There were no objections to proceeding with the recount of District 9.

DISTRICT 9 – WARDS 17 & 18
Seal #0073523 was broken on the ballot bag for District 9 at 10:48 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained 6 absentee envelopes from Ward 17 and 4 absentee envelopes from Ward 18. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope contained one absentee envelope.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker renewed his objection to Karen Bowen representing Amy Weinsheim on the basis of conflict of interest.

An absentee envelope was initially rejected (not counted on Election Night) due to a missing address of the witness. The Board unanimously determined to validate the rejected absentee envelope based on the valid signatures. Dan Becker objected to the inclusion of the absentee envelope due to there being no address for the witness signature. The ballot was included in the count and Recreated #1. The absentee envelope was (Marked #1).

The Board unanimously agreed to pull (not count) the original ballot #5 as well as the recreated ballot #5 due to missing initials on the original.

Dan Becker objected to a pencil signature on an absentee envelope (BB). The Board unanimously determined the signature was valid and included the envelope. (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected to absentee envelope (RG) due to possibility of a duplicate vote as well as an objection to a missing return date on the absentee log. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected to a pencil signature on absentee envelope (CH). The Board unanimously determined the signature was valid and included the envelope. (Marked #4)
Dan Becker objected to rejected absentee envelope (noted above) due to no voter number issued. (Previously Marked #1)

The Board unanimously determined absentee envelope (DS), new registrant, was valid. (Marked #5)

Dan Becker objected to absentee envelope (RG) not having a corresponding absentee number in the poll list. The poll list indicates #76 next to (RG) and the absentee envelope indicates #89. The Board pulled the envelope and will determine whether to pull a ballot after an absentee ballot count has been performed. (This was previously marked #3.)

Dan Becker objected to Karen Bowen apparently touching the voter logs twice. Attorney Renning reminded the public that the Board of Canvassers are the only ones authorized to handle election materials.

Dan Becker objected to an address error on absentee envelope (DH). The Board unanimously determined it was an oversight (Marked #6)

Dan Becker objected to an address error on absentee envelope (RH). The Board unanimously determined it was an oversight (Marked #7)

A ballot was pulled from District 9 because the number of absentee ballots exceeded the number of absentee voters. (Marked #8)

A ballot was pulled from District 9 due to only one set of initials. (Marked #9)

Dan Becker objected to a ballot stating voter intent. The Board was able to unanimously determine voter intent and the ballot was Recreated #27.

Ward 17
City Poll List Certification = 463
County Poll List Certification = 463
Canvass Tape = 463

Ward 18
City Poll List Certification = 210
County Poll List Certification = 210
Canvass Tape = 210

Ward 17
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 24
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 23
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 183 183
DAN BECKER 196 196

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 18
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 24
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 25
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073060 at 12:42 p.m.

DISTRICT 8 – WARDS 15 & 16
City Clerk Pam Ubrig as well as election inspectors William Gerth, Dorothy Gerth, and Dorothy Unger were present to attest to the ballot bag for District 8. Jim Martinez was present to attest that the ballot bag was delivered to him at City Hall and that he takes all ballot bags to the City’s vault. Ms. Ubrig stated that at chairperson training, it is explained how to secure the ballot bag and to make sure everything is signed. There is a camera located behind Collections that shows a clock. It is set up so ballot bags can be seen being deposited into the bins and the bins being sealed by Mr. Martinez. Mr. Gerth attested that he put District 8 ballots into the ballot bag and helped Mary Ann Offer with the bag. Dorothy Unger stated that she watched Ms. Offer thread the yellow seal through the holes so the ballot bag could not be opened. City Clerk Pam Ubrig attested to the writing on the bag being her own.

It was noted that the second ballot bag for District 8 had the Chairperson’s signature.

Elizabeth Hartman, attorney for Dan Becker, stated that there are procedures that must be followed on Election Day. Ballot bags need to be signed by the chief inspector and two other inspectors. It goes to ballot security and she asked that the ballots be set aside because procedures have not been substantially complied with.

Amy Weinsheim commented that clearly the overarching issue is that fraud is suspected and she does not believe there has been fraud. She objected to these ballots not being counted. She noted that in Mr. Renning's conversation with the State Elections Board, they recommended that the ballots be counted.

Dan Becker asked City Clerk Pam Ubrig what security procedures are in place for unused ballot bags and who has access to those bags. Ms. Ubrig responded that the ballot bags are kept in her vault and approximately 25 employees on the first floor of City Hall have access to that vault.

Mr. Renning asked Jim Martinez if he goes through the bins or is responsible for transporting the ballot bins. Mr. Martinez responded that he accepts the ballot bags at City Hall from the various districts’ chairpersons, puts the bags in the ballot bins, and marks the label on the handle of the bins identifying which Districts’ bags are contained within. The only list Mr. Martinez has is the label on the handles of the bins. He seals the bins when they reach ¾ or full capacity. The bins are sealed in the front and the back. Mr. Martinez indicated that he recalled receiving a bag of ballots from District 8. Mr. Renning asked Mr. Martinez if the punched “District 8” on the label located on the handle of the ballot bin, would indicate that he had received the ballots from District 8 and Mr. Martinez indicated that it would have.

Dan Becker stated that if the ballots were received from District 8, there is no assurance that those ballots came from St. John’s Church.

Pam Ubrig stated that she had spoken with Chairperson Mary Ann Offer on Election Night. She had went through forms with her. Ms. Ubrig did not see the ballot bags because they were sealed in the ballot bin. She was not aware that there were no signatures until today.

Mr. Renning asked Ms. Ubrig if the Chairperson or any individuals have access to another bag from the vault. Ms. Ubrig responded that there is a bag she completes and an extra bag without the Clerk’s writing. She again indicated that her writing is on District 8’s ballot bag.

Amy Weinsheim commented that it is frustrating as a voter that one of the allegations is voter suppression and this entire process has been about suppressing votes.

The Board unanimously decided to delay the recount until they could hear from the District 8 Chairperson.

At 2:40 p.m. the District 8 ballot bags were again brought to the Board table. Mary Ann Offer, District 8 Chairperson, was present. Attorney Renning asked Ms. Offer for an explanation of the missing signatures. Ms. Offer stated that it was an oversight. Mr. Renning asked Ms. Offer if it was her responsibility to take District 8 ballots from St. John's Church to City Hall and provide them to Jim Martinez. Ms. Offer indicated that it was. Mr. Renning asked Ms. Offer if she could identify the bag and she stated that it was definitely the ballot bag from District 8. Mr. Becker asked Ms. Offer what distinguishing marks were present for her to identify the bag. Ms. Offer responded that the writing on the bag is exactly the same handwriting that was on the bag she wrapped up and put the tag around. Attorney Hartman asked why there were two bags. City Clerk Pam Ubrig stated that on Election Night when she went through the County envelope, she noticed recreated envelopes containing original ballots. Ms. Ubrig secured the original ballots in the City’s vault. The recreated ballots were correctly put in the original ballot bag. She contacted Ms. Offer, who arrived at City Hall at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday to secure the ballots, which should have been sealed in the first bag with no signatures, in a second ballot bag. Ms. Ubrig stated that the Board will be able to put the ballots from the two bags together and show there were no discrepancies. Ms. Offer stated that she was relatively new to the procedures and she put the Recreated Ballot Envelope containing ballots in the County envelope instead of the ballot bag. She did not dispute the fact that the instructions on the outside of the envelope indicate the need for signatures.

Attorney Hartman asked Ms. Offer to walk through exactly what she did.

Chairperson Offer stated that she sorted out the ballots by the two wards, she made sure the absentee ballots were together with the recreated ballots on top. She put the ballots in the bag, took the tag out, and sealed the bag with the lock tag. She had a number of different things to sign. Attorney Hartman asked Chairperson Offer if she realized her error after she locked the bag. Ms. Offer indicated that Pam Ubrig discovered the error. Ms. Offer thought she was doing the right thing by putting the Recreated Ballot Envelope containing the ballots in the County bag. She later realized that the only time the Recreated Ballot Envelope goes into the County bag is when it is empty. She admitted that it was definitely her oversight. Ms. Ubrig stated that when going through the County envelopes on Election Night and felt the Recreated Ballot Envelope, there should have been nothing in there; however, it contained ballots. She put them in the vault and called Ms. Offer on Wednesday morning. She explained to Ms. Offer that there were ballots that needed to be sealed in a ballot bag. Ms. Offer arrived at City Hall and together with Ms. Ubrig, sealed the ballots in a second bag. The bag was then put into a ballot bin and the bin was sealed. Jim Martinez then took the bin to the County. There is a document showing the delivery and arrival times. On Friday, April 7, 2006, the ballot bins were brought here to the District. Ms. Ubrig refused to open the original ballot bins which is why there is a ballot bin with four ballot bags containing a minimal amount of ballots.

The Board of Canvassers asked to confer with Attorney Renning. Attorney Renning subsequently stated that based on the statements of the chairperson and poll inspectors and based upon his recommendation, which was substantiated by the State Elections Board, the Board of Canvassers will proceed noting Dan Becker’s objection. The board unanimously agreed to go forward with the recount and Mr. Becker again objected..

Amy Weinsheim commented the there should not be suppression of votes.

Seal #0073547 and Seal #0073464 were broken on the ballot bags for District 8 at 2:54 p.m.
There were no signatures of election officials. The bags were sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty and the Recreated Ballot Envelope contained one ballot.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Ward 15
City Poll List Certification = 141
County Poll List Certification = 141
Canvass Tape = 141

Ward 16
City Poll List Certification = 121
County Poll List Certification = 121
Canvass Tape = 121

Ward 15
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 4
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 4
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 16
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 3
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 3
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073458 at 3:28 p.m.

DISTRICT 10 – WARDS 19 & 20
Seal #0073522 was broken on the ballot bag for District 10 at 3:30 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained 18 ballots and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot stating voter intent. The Board unanimously agreed that voter intent could be determined. (Marked #1)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope not having an application (IH). (Marked #2)
Dan Becker objected to a pencil signature. The board unanimously determined that it was a valid signature. (Marked #3)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope not having a valid witness signature. The Board unanimously determined it was a valid signature. (Marked #4)
Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and the ballot was pulled. (Marked #5)
Dan Becker objected to a ballot with a “printed” signature for Certification of Elector Assistance. The Board unanimously determined it was a valid signature. (Marked #6)

Ward 19
City Poll List Certification = 282
County Poll List Certification = 282
Canvass Tape = 282

Ward 20
City Poll List Certification = 228
County Poll List Certification = 228
Canvass Tape = 228

Ward 19
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 20
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 20
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 20
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 14
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 14
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073432 at 4:36 p.m.
Three ballot bins were resealed at 4:38 p.m.

Moved by Kim Ringer, second by Claudette Elliott to recess and reconvene Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 8:30 a.m. The meeting recessed at 4:44 p.m.

APRIL 12, 2006
The meeting of the Board of Canvassers was called to order at 8:36 a.m. on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to recount the results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member. Two ballot bins were opened at 8:37 a.m.

DISTRICT 11 – WARDS 21 & 22
Seal #0073005 and Seal #0073061 were broken from the ballot bags for District 11 at 8:38 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained three absentee ballots and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee ballot missing inspectors’ initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot (Marked #1) Mr. Becker commented on the inconsistency of the board – a ballot can be pulled without signatures but a ballot bag is acceptable without signatures.

Amy Weinsheim noted that when the Board went through District 8 ballots, all ballots that went through the voting machine had signatures.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot missing one set of inspector’s initials. The Board pulled the ballot (Marked #2)
Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot missing one set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot (Marked #3)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot missing one set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #4)

Dan Becker again renewed his objection regarding inconsistency.

Dan Becker objected to Ward 22 in its entirety regarding procedures.

Ward 21
City Poll List Certification = 184
County Poll List Certification = 184
Canvass Tape = 184

Ward 22
City Poll List Certification = 226
County Poll List Certification = 226
Canvass Tape = 226

Ward 21
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 10
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 9
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 1


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 22
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 6
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 6
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

DAN BECKER 111 108

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073062 at 9:26 a.m.

DISTRICT 12 – WARDS 23 & 24
The seal was broken from the bin holding the ballots at 9:27 a.m. Seal #0073599 and Seal #0073496 were broken on the ballot bags for District 12 at 9:29 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained 9 ballots and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope contained 1 envelope.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

The Board reviewed a rejected absentee envelope, which was missing a witness address. Everything else on the envelope was in order. The Board unanimously agreed to the validity of this absentee ballot. Dan Becker objected on the grounds that the poll worker had determined this envelope rejected and renewed his objection on the inconsistency of the board as to relevant information. The ballot was Recreated #1. The Absentee Envelope was (Marked #1)

The ballots for Ward 24 were counted by hand with a count of 426 ballots (425 + 1 rejected as noted above).

Dan Becker objected to a discrepancy between the number of ballots and the number of voters on the poll list. He requested that the poll list be counted; however, the board determined that there was one less ballot than voters; therefore, the results match for Ward 24.

Dan Becker objected to technical errors on an absentee envelope. The Board unanimously determined that the envelope was consistent with the application and, therefore, valid. (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected that an absentee envelope contained the voter’s signature twice on the signature line. The board determined that the absentee envelope was valid. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #238 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #4)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #239 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #5)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #240 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #6)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #223 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #7)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #224 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #8)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #225 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #9)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #226 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #10)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #227 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #11)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #228 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #12)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #229 was not listed in the poll list as ABS.
(Previously Marked #2)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #230 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #13)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #231 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #14)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #232 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #15)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #233 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #16)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #234 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #17)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #235 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #18)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #236 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #19)
Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope #237 was not listed in the poll list as ABS. (Marked #20)

Dan Becker objected to a technical error on an absentee envelope that an address should not be accepted that does not exist. The address stated N. 16th Ave. and the correct address is W. 16th Ave. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the absentee envelope based on a matched name to 437 W. 16th Ave. (Marked #21)

Dan Becker noted an abnormality to an absentee envelope containing a clerical note on the back of the envelope. (Previously Marked #3.)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being marked in the County poll list under the wrong name. The City poll list was correct. The Board unanimously determined it was a clerical error. (Marked #22)

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #23)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of a signature but not eliminating a ballot bag for lack of signatures.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #24)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #25)

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #26)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #27)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker objected to a signature at the bottom of a ballot (elector assistance) claiming it is initials. The board determined it was a valid signature. The ballot was not marked. Mr. Becker wanted it noted in the record.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board pulled the ballot. (Marked #28. )

Dan Becker objected to a ballot claiming voter intent. The board unanimously agreed that there were no votes for school board on this particular ballot and voter intent could be determined. (Marked #29)

Ward 23
City Poll List Certification = 294
County Poll List Certification = 294
Canvass Tape = 294

Ward 24
City Poll List Certification = 426
County Poll List Certification = 426
Canvass Tape = 425 + 1 rejected = 426

Ward 37
City Poll List Certification = 0
County Poll List Certification = 0
Canvass Tape = 0

Ward 23
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 18
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 18
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 110 110
DAN BECKER 130 131

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 24
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 21
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 21
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 144 142
DAN BECKER 218 215

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 37
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073046 at 11:17 a.m.

DISTRICT 13 – WARDS 25 & 35
Seal #0073570 was broken on the ballot bag for District 13 at 11:25 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Ward 25
City Poll List Certification = 97
County Poll List Certification = 97
Canvass Tape = 97

Ward 35
City Poll List Certification = 3
County Poll List Certification = 3
Canvass Tape = 3

Ward 25
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 3
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 3
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 35
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073497 at 11:38 a.m.

DISTRICT 14 – WARDS 26 & 27
Seal #0073059 and Seal #0073085 were broken on the ballot bags for District 14 at 12:51 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained 15 absentee ballots and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to absentee ballot original #15 for voter intent. The board unanimously agreed that voter intent could be determined.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing a signature (RB). There appeared to be an X on the signature line; however, other absentee envelopes also contained X’s on signature lines in addition to a signature. The board was not able to ascertain whether it was a valid signature. The envelope was pulled. (Marked #1).

Dan Becker objected to a pencil signature of a witness on an absentee envelope (AF #386). The board unanimously determined that it was a valid signature. (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected to pencil signatures for a voter and a witness on an absentee envelope (AK #336). The Board unanimously determined it was a valid signature in both cases. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected to pencil signatures for a voter and a witness on an absentee envelope (KK #337) The Board unanimously determined it was a valid signature in both cases. (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to a pencil signature for voter on an absentee envelope (AF #233). The Board unanimously determined it was a valid signature (Marked #5)

It was noted that the absentee envelope for (RS #241) had an incorrect voting number in the corner. The number was identified as 24; however, it should have been #241. The board unanimously determined it was a clerical error. (Marked #6)

It was noted that a witness on an absentee envelope does not have to be an Oshkosh Area School District resident. (Marked #7)

Dan Becker noted that an absentee envelope clearly states that a full address needs to be included on the witness signature. Amy Weinsheim noted that an absentee envelope cannot be discarded because the witness does not provide an address.

Due to the fact that there were 35 absentee envelopes and 36 absentee ballots, an absentee ballot was pulled at random and not counted. (Marked #8).

Dan Becker noted that a red tab with #273353 was found in the ballot bag. Pam Ubrig explained it was a tab she uses for the voting machine to ensure that the election card cannot be removed. The seal is broken when the card is pulled to be brought back to City Hall.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with no inspectors initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #9) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker noted that a voting machine message stated “unmarked ballot” and the voting machine did not accept the ballot even though the ballot was marked by a voter. The ballot was Recreated #2.

Dan Becker noted that a voting machine message stated “unmarked ballot” and the voting machine did not accept the ballot even though the ballot was marked by a voter. The ballot was Recreated #3.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #10) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #11) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker objected to voter intent on a ballot. The Board unanimously agreed that voter intent could be determined. The ballot was Recreated #9.

Ward 26
City Poll List Certification = 454
County Poll List Certification = 454
Canvass Tape = 454

Ward 27
City Poll List Certification = 326
County Poll List Certification = 326
Canvass Tape = 326

Ward 26
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 35
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 36
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 150 149
DAN BECKER 251 251

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 27
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 13
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 13
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 109 109
DAN BECKER 159 159

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073495 at 2:27 p.m.
It was discovered that the red tag that Mr. Becker requested be put in the ballot bag was inadvertently left out. Seal #0073495 was broken at 2:29 p.m. and immediately resealed with Seal #0073047.

DISTRICT 15 – WARDS 28, 29, 34
Seal #0073586 was broken on the ballot bag for District 15 at 2:31 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Ward 28
City Poll List Certification = 470
County Poll List Certification = 470
Canvass Tape = 469

Ward 29
City Poll List Certification = 428
County Poll List Certification = 428
Canvass Tape = 427

Ward 34
City Poll List Certification = 2
County Poll List Certification = 2
Canvass Tape = 2

The District 15 total, which includes Wards 28, 29, and 34 is correct. It was determined that a wrong color ballot was given to a voter. Mr. Becker objected to an elector receiving a wrong color ballot.

Dan Becker objected that absentee envelope (RG) could have possibly voted in the wrong ward. The board unanimously agreed to pull the absentee envelope. Length of time at the noted address could not be determined. (Marked #1)

Amy Weinsheim noted that this has become an exercise in suppressing votes and is impeding voters’ rights.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (MM #316). The Absentee Envelope was (Marked #2).

Dan Becker objected to a witness signature being on the wrong line on an absentee envelope. The witness signature and address are both present. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope (HW #307) not appearing on the City’s absentee log. (Marked #4)

The Board pulled an absentee ballot from Ward 29 due to a rejected absentee envelope to match envelopes and ballots. (Marked #5)

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #6)
Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #7)
Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #8)

Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker asked for an explanation of the distinction the board is making between ballots and the ballot bag. The Board is making the distinction based on yesterday’s testimony of the Chairperson from District 8 identifying the ballot bag.

A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #9)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #10)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #11)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #12)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #13)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #14)
A joint objection was made to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #15)

Both parties acknowledged the need to remain consistent as to the lack of inspectors’ initials and signatures. Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #16) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Amy Weinsheim objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #17) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #18)
Dan Becker objected to ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #19)
Dan Becker objected to ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #20)
Dan Becker wanted it noted that the voting machine jammed with a system message stating “ballot counted”. The jam was fixed and the recount proceeded.

Dan Becker noted a relationship between Board of Canvass members Teresa Collins and Kim Ringler.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and pulled the ballot. (Marked #21)

Ward 28
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 27
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 27
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 213 208
DAN BECKER 206 201

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 29
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 18
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 1
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 19
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 181 181
DAN BECKER 175 175

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 34
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073455 at 4:23 p.m.

DISTRICT 16 – WARDS 30 & 31
Seal #0073137 and Seal #0073011 were broken on the ballot bags for District 16 at 4:39 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained one ballot from Ward 31 and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope contained 2 envelopes from Ward 30 and 2 envelopes from Ward 31.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

City Clerk Pam Ubrig stated that this district tape total has 2 more votes than on the poll list. She showed an example of a supply box, which is at each polling place. There are voter number tabs with the actual numbers that were used on Election Day. The number tabs which were on the spindle can be verified to the numbers on the poll list.

It was noted that both ballots (the original and recreated) were found in the Recreated Absentee Envelope.

Dan Becker objected to addresses missing on 3 rejected absentee envelopes. The board unanimously determined that addresses were not necessary. All other relevant information was provided. The 3 absentee ballots were counted.
Absentee envelope (FN) (Marked #1) Ballot was Recreated #1 – Ward 30
Absentee envelope (FRB) (Marked #2) Ballot was Recreated #2 – Ward 31
Absentee envelope (JB) (Marked #3) Ballot was Recreated #3 – Ward 31

Dan Becker objected to the poll list and the tape in Ward 30 not matching and having a difference of 2 votes. Pam Ubrig stated that in speaking with the Chairperson for District 16, it was a possibility that two ballots were put through the machine twice.

The ballots were counted by hand for a total of 230.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to the signature of the elector as well as the witness signature being on the wrong line. The Board unanimously determined that the absentee envelope was valid. (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to no witness address. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #5)

Dan Becker objected to 3 envelopes in Ward 30 being sorted into Ward 31.

Dan Becker noted that the poll number for MJ (#188) did not indicate ABS in the City’s poll list.

Dan Becker objected to ABS number being on the wrong line. The Board unanimously determined it was a clerical error and accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #6)

FRB was not on poll list for either city or county. The ballot could be identified as Recreated #2 and was pulled. Dan Becker objected to the pulling of the matching ballot. Attorney Renning recommended that the identifiable ballot be pulled and put back into the envelope along with the original. The Board concurred and both ballots were returned to the respective envelope.

Dan Becker objected to ABS ballots and envelopes not matching. There were more envelopes than ballots in both wards.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot having only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board unanimously agreed and the ballot was pulled. (Marked #7)

Ward 30
City Poll List Certification = 230
County Poll List Certification = 230
Canvass Tape = 232

Ward 31
City Poll List Certification = 417
County Poll List Certification = 417
Canvass Tape = 417

Ward 30
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 22
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 14
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

DAN BECKER 121 121

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 31
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 16
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 14
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 140 139
DAN BECKER 193 194

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the two ballot bags with Seal #0073454 and Seal #0073033 at 6:52 p.m.

Kim Ringer made a motion to recess and reconvene on April 13, 2006 at 8:30 a.m.. Claudette Elliott seconded. The meeting recessed at 6:59 p.m.

APRIL 13, 2006
The meeting of the Board of Canvassers was called to order at 8:39 p.m. on Thursday, April 13, 2006 in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of continuing to recount the results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member.
Dan Becker objected to ballot security regarding the County ballot bin not being sealed.

DISTRICT 17 – WARDS 32, 33, 36, 38
The seal was broken on ballot bin at 8:41 a.m. Seal #0073001 was broken on the ballot bag for District 17 at 8:43 a.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope contained 20 ballots from Ward 32 and 9 ballots from Ward 33. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to absentee ballot (original #22) being recreated in the wrong ward and District 11, Ward 21 being found in District 17, Ward 32 election materials. He challenged the validity of the ballot. A note was attached to the absentee envelope from the City directing poll workers to recreate as best they could. The board unanimously accepted the ballot as valid. (Marked #1)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope (PA) having no voter elector signature. The Board concurred and the ballot was pulled. (Marked #2) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee voter application (SG #356) not being updated in the absentee log. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope bearing elector’s signature in pencil. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to no date voted or returned recorded in the internal log for absentee envelope (RO). The board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #5)

Dan Becker objected to no date voted or returned recorded in internal log for absentee envelope (ER). The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #6)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope (BS) bearing witness signature in pencil. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #7)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope (AS) contending that the elector’s signature was partially missing. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #8)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope on technical inconsistencies. A typed address was crossed out and an address was handwritten above it. Both signatures were present. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #9)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope bearing a pencil signature of elector. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #10)

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee envelope due to not appearing on the absentee ballot log. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #11)

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee envelope due to not appearing on the absentee ballot log. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #12)

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee envelope due to not appearing on the absentee ballot log. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #13)

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee envelope (LC) due to not appearing on the absentee ballot log. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #14)

Amy Weinsheim noted that the absentee ballot log is not a requirement but an internal tracking piece.

Dan Becker objected to the validity of an absentee envelope (VH) due to elector’s penciled signature. The Board unanimously accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #15)

Dan Becker objected to the County poll list not having ABS after #270 RR. (Marked #16)

Dan Becker objected to MG (274) not being noted on the absentee envelope as belonging in 33SD. (Marked #17)
Dan Becker objected to RG (275) not being noted on the absentee envelope as belonging in 33SD. (Marked #18)
Dan Becker objected to JL (258) having an illegible number in the county poll list in 33SD. It is marked correctly in the City poll list as 258ABS, which matches the envelope. Dan Becker contended it is an incomplete number on the County poll list. (Marked #19)
Dan Becker objected to DP(276) not being noted on the absentee envelope as belonging in 33SD. (Marked #20)
Dan Becker objected to RP (278) not being noted on the absentee envelope as belonging in 33SD (Marked #21)
Dan Becker objected to KK (274) not being noted as ABS on county poll list. (Marked #22)

Dan Becker noted that there is 1 less absentee ballot than absentee envelope for Ward 32.

Dan Becker noted that there are extra ballots stored with initials PRU representing the city clerk being used as duplicate recounts. He noted ballot security as a concern.

Dan Becker objected to the validity of a ballot bearing PRU in inspector’s initials as well as ballot security. The Board unanimously determined the ballot was valid. (Marked #23)

Dan Becker objected to the voting machine rejecting an absentee ballot during the recount when apparently it did not reject it on Election Night. (Marked #24)

Dan Becker objected to the voting machine rejecting an absentee ballot during the recount when apparently it did not reject it on Election Night. (Marked #25)

Dan Becker objected to the voting machine rejecting an absentee ballot during the recount when apparently it did not reject it on Election Night. Voting Machine error stated over vote when trying to feed the ballot through. The ballot was Recreated #9. (Marked 26)

Dan Becker objected to two ballot jams. Amy Weinsheim commented that ballots are curled and as Pam Ubrig stated, it could affect the machine reading them.

Dan Becker noted prior objections of voting machine rejecting absentee ballots during recount when apparently it did not reject them on Election Night.

Dan Becker objected to the voting machine rejecting an absentee ballot during recount when apparently it did not reject it on Election Night. The voting machine error stated “blank voted”. The ballot was marked in ink. Recreated #16

Dan Becker noted his serious concerns with the voting machine. He requested that proceedings stop at this point until a new machine can arrive from City Hall. Amy Weinsheim objected to that. The Board unanimously agreed to proceed.

Dan Becker renewed his objection as stated above. Amy Weinsheim restated that City Clerk Pam Ubrig did tell us by virtue of the ballots being moved, folded, bent, etc., because it is a light reader that there may be some issues with ability to read.

Dan Becker noted an objection that the machine jammed when feeding a ballot. Suggested that it would be more expedient to request a new voting machine.

Dan Becker objected to a ballot containing only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board concurred and the ballot was pulled. (Marked #27) Dan Becker renewed his objection regarding inconsistency of the board eliminating ballots for lack of signature but not eliminating ballot bag for lack of signature.

Attorney Renning spoke with City Clerk Pam Ubrig, who was not aware of a ballpoint pen in a voting box. Attorney Renning gave the option of continuing to recreate ballots or hand count the ballots. It was determined to continue to recreate.

Pam Ubrig stated that in 2001 the City went through redistricting and 2 new machines were purchased which allows pen marks. Dan Becker asked if there is documentation that this machine was located at Alberta Kimball. Ms. Ubrig stated that each machine has a label identifying its polling location and proceeded to show the label on the machine. She also stated that everyone is encouraged to use black markers. She has no control over what people take into the voting booth. She attempted to contact the District 17 chairperson to find out if a pen was left in a voting booth but has been unable to make contact. Poll workers are also encouraged to view the booths periodically.

Because of the amount of ballots recreated by the recount, Pam Ubrig furnished the Board of Canvassers with a blank ballot bag. She recommended that the Board indicate the Wards, District, City of Oshkosh, Winnebago County, April 4, 2006, and indicate this was from the recount, give a brief explanation, and sign and date it today.

Dan Becker noted that there were 238 ballots recreated for District 17.

Dan Becker objected to the fact that the Board was going to proceed with the recount without his legal counsel. Attorney Renning informed him that when his legal counsel arrived, we would stop for whatever statements she needs to make.

The City ballot bin was sealed at 2:14 p.m.

Ward 32
City Poll List Certification = 426
County Poll List Certification = 426
Canvass Tape = 426

Ward 33
City Poll List Certification = 380
County Poll List Certification = 380
Canvass Tape = 380

Ward 36
City Poll List Certification = 0
County Poll List Certification = 0
Canvass Tape = 0

Ward 38
City Poll List Certification = 0
County Poll List Certification = 0
Canvass Tape = 0

Ward 32
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 82
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 1
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 82
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 144 143
DAN BECKER 208 208

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 33
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 29
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 29
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 138 138
DAN BECKER 161 162

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 36
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

Ward 38
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 0
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back in the ballot bag with Seal #0073071 at 1:07 p.m. A replacement bag was brought from the city because the Seal hole in the original bag was too big to reseal the bag and ensure security. Seal #0073426 was used and the replacement ballot bag was sealed at 2:10 p.m.

Town of Algoma Clerk Sue Miller was present. It was also noted that the County ballot bin did not have a cover. Clerk Designee Teresa Collins was informed by Winnebago County Clerk Sue Ertmer that the County’s ballot bins do not have covers. Ms. Collins also stated that prior to this morning, the County’s bin has been held in Conference Room A.

Attorney Elizabeth Hartman brought to the attention of the Board of Canvassers recount practices that she feels are incorrect. One of the issues is counting absentee ballots that do not have applications associated with them. Those ballots should not be counted if there are no applications associated with them. The other practice is excluding ballots that have one inspector’s initials rather than two. Attorney Hartman concedes that Mr. Becker objected to the ballots but doing so was incorrect under the statute as well as case law. The ballots should be counted. Another issue is that Dan Becker was contacted by a voter in Vinland, which contains both Winneconne and Oshkosh school districts. This individual went to the polls to vote and asked for a Winneconne ballot but was given an Oshkosh ballot under his objection. There is no affidavit; however, Mr. Becker has the name of the individual. Attorney Renning responded that Vinland has not been counted yet so it will be noted. The second thing is the Board of Canvassers has a lot of work ahead of them to certify the results and go through the minutes. Attorney Renning’s recommendation was that the Board continue as they have been for consistency. The hope is that Monday we can reconvene to tie up any loose ends. In the event we agree, we can go back and rectify any concerns at that time.

Amy Weinsheim noted for the record that both parties objected to ballots with only one signature. However, Ms. Weinsheim contends the decision to pull ballots with only one signature is discretionary – permissive as opposed to mandatory.

The black tie was broken on the ballot bag for the Town of Algoma at 2:18 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing application (CB #362). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #1)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application as well as a missing address from the absentee envelope (#363). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #2)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (RG #366). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #3)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (MM #376) as well as a signature from a legal guardian with no power of attorney attached to the envelope. The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #4)

Amy Weinsheim commented on absentee envelopes missing applications. Once a voter has sent in an application, it is not incumbent on the voter to periodically check on the application status. She is concerned with keeping votes out of the process. Missing applications are a matter of town personnel and what they have done with records vs. voter error.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (DR #382). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #5)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (AP #381). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #6)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (MN #379). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #7)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (LN #380). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #8)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (RK #373). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #9)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application as well as incorrectly identified in one poll list and not the other (LK #374). The Board unanimously agreed to clerical error and accepted the envelope as valid. (Marked #10)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (BI #372). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #11)
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing application (DG #365). The Board unanimously agreed to accept the envelope as valid. (Marked #12)

Dan Becker objected to voter intent on a ballot. The Board unanimously agreed that they could determine voter intent. The ballot was Recreated #4

A ballot was identified with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #13)
An absentee ballot was identified with no initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #14)
An absentee ballot was identified with no initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #15)
An absentee ballot was identified with no initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #16)
An absentee ballot was identified with no initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #17)
An absentee ballot was identified with no initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #18)

Algoma Poll List Certification = 1010
County Poll List Certification = 1010
Canvass Tape = 1010

Town of Algoma
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 30
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 25
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 5

LEE WILSON 370 370
DAN BECKER 405 405

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back into the ballot bags and sealed with Seal #0073431 and Seal #0073446 at 5:46 p.m.

Town of Black Wolf Clerk Ellen Chmielewski was present.

The black tie was broken on the ballot bag for the Town of Black Wolf at 5:47 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering.

There was an application request for each absentee envelope.

Dan Becker objected to a Town of Clayton recreated ballot being included with the Town of Black Wolf ballots.

Dan Becker objected to the Board recreating a Town of Black Wolf SD (pink ballot) on a Town of Black Wolf (white ballot). There were no extra pink ballots to accommodate Mr. Becker’s request. Recreated #1

Dan Becker noted a ballot with only 1 set of initials. The Board unanimously agreed to pull the ballot. (Marked #1)

Black Wolf Poll List Certification = 407
County Poll List Certification = 407
Canvass Tape = 407

Number of Absentee Envelopes: 2
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 2
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials

LEE WILSON 138 137
DAN BECKER 175 175

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag and sealed with Seal #0073427 at 6:28 p.m.

Jeanette Merten, Town of Oshkosh clerk, was present.

The black tie was broken on the ballot bag for Town of Oshkosh at 6:34 p.m. The black tie was broken on the second ballot bag at 6:51 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope with a penciled signature of elector and witness. The Board unanimously determined it was valid. (Marked #1)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope with a penciled signature of elector and witness. The Board unanimously determined it was valid. (Marked #2)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope with a penciled witness signature. The Board unanimously determined it was valid. (Marked #3)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope with a penciled signature of elector. The Board unanimously determined it was valid. (Marked #4)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (DO #391). The Board unanimously determined it was valid based on appropriate signatures. The Town Clerk explained that the application was on file previously but lost with a change of clerk. (Marked #5)

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope missing an application (RW #401). The Board determined it was valid based on the signature. The Town Clerk stated that she had the application and would supply such application before certification of the recount. (Marked #6)

Dan Becker objected to a completely blank ballot apparently being accepted on Election Night but rejected during Recount. Mr. Becker also objected to an incomplete inspector’s statement regarding this issue.

Oshkosh Poll List Certification = 548
County Poll List Certification = 548
Canvass Tape = 548

Number of Absentee Envelopes: 15
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 15
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0

LEE WILSON 155 155
DAN BECKER 164 165

The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.
The ballots were placed back into the ballot bags and sealed with Seal #0073092 at 7:45 p.m.

Town Clerk Shirley Brazee was present.

The black tie was broken on the ballot bag for the Town of Vinland at 8:14 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Recreated Ballot Envelope and the Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope were both empty.

Dan Becker objected to the Town of Vinland ballots and asked that they be excluded due to voter intimidation and voter fraud occurred at the polling place.

Amy Weinsheim stated that she does not believe voter intimidation or fraud occurred.

The Town Clerk made a statement which collaborated with the notation in the inspector’s statement. The
Board unanimously agreed to proceed and open the ballot bag.

Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing application (LA #442) (Marked #1) The clerk assumed this was a Winneconne voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a penciled signature of elector and witness (BB #443) (Marked #2) The clerk assumed this was a Neenah voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing witness address (CR #445) (Marked #3) The clerk assumed this was a Winneconne voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing witness address (KR #446) (Marked #4) The clerk assumed this was a Winneconne voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing application (WR #447) (Marked #5) The clerk assumed this was a Winneconne voter.
Dan Becker objected to the extemporaneous nature.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing application (GS #451) (Marked #6) The clerk assumed this was a Neenah voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to a missing application (JS #452) (Marked #7) The clerk assumed this was a Neenah voter.
Dan Becker objected to an absentee envelope being invalid due to no witness signature (GT #439) (Marked #8) The clerk assumed this was a Winneconne voter.

The board unanimously agreed to accept absentee envelopes marked 1-8 as valid.

A ballot was pulled with only 1 set of inspector’s initials. (Marked #9)

Amy Weinsheim noted that poll inspectors’ initials on one particular ballot do not appear to match any other initials nor does the ink match any other ballot.

Vinland Poll List Certification = 453
County Poll List Certification = 453
Canvass Tape = 453

Town of Vinland
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 11 None in Oshkosh District
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 11
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

The ballots were placed back into the ballot bag and sealed with Seal #0073413 at 9:01 p.m.

Clerk of Nekimi Jerry Braasch was present.

The black tie was broken on the ballot bags for the Town of Nekimi at 9:03 p.m. There were signatures of election officials, the bag was sealed properly, and there did not appear to be any tampering. The Rejected Absentee Ballot Envelope was empty. There was no Recreated Ballot Envelope for the Town of Nekimi. The Clerk attested to the fact that there were no recreated ballots for the Town of Nekimi. Dan Becker objected to procedural issues.

Dan Becker objected to no ABS voter number on absentee envelope (KB) as well as a missing application. (Marked #1)
Dan Becker objected to no ABS voter number on absentee envelope (HH) as well as a missing application. (Marked #2)
Dan Becker objected to no ABS voter number on an absentee envelope (CO) (Marked #3)
Dan Becker objected to no ABS voter number on an absentee envelope (EO) as well as a pencil signature of elector. (Marked #4)
Dan Becker objected to no ABS voter number on an absentee envelope (MW) as well as a missing application and the fact that there is no voter registration attached to the absentee envelope. (Marked #5)

The Town Clerk noted that there are 3 missing permanent absentee applications due to the fact that they were never transferred to him 12 years ago when he assumed the duty of Town Clerk of Nekimi.
The Town Clerk also stated that prior to this election, towns under 2500 were not required to have registration lists. Sue Ertmer, Winnebago County Clerk, explained that a voter registration statement is not a public record due to containing private information.

The Board unanimously determined that all 5 absentee envelopes (Marked 1-5) be accepted as valid.

Amy Weinsheim noted that the permanent list for absentee voters has been on file for 12 years and it is not incumbent on the voter to check on their records. It should be the responsibility of the town.

Nekimi Poll List Certification = 176
County Poll List Certification = 176
Canvass Tape = 176

Town of Nekimi
Number of Absentee Envelopes: 5
Number of Defective Absentee Envelopes 0
Number of Absentee Ballots/Clerks Initials 5
Number of Absentee Ballots/Without Clerks Initials 0


The Board of Canvassers voted unanimously to use the recount results as the official count.

The ballots were placed back into the ballot bags and sealed with Seal #0073424 at 9:37 p.m.

Attorney Renning announced that the Board of Canvassers will meet in closed session at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2006 pursuant to §19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats., to confer with legal counsel and will reconvene in open session at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 17, 2006.

Kim Ringler made a motion to recess until Monday, April 17, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. Second by Claudette Elliott. The meeting recessed at 9:47 p.m.

APRIL 17, 2006

The Board of Canvassers convened at 2:30 p.m. in closed session to confer with legal counsel regarding the challenges to the recount process raised by Dan Becker and to discuss strategy for responding to the same.

Present: Teresa Collins, Claudette Elliott, Kim Ringler, and Tony Renning, attorney for the Board of Canvassers

The Board of Canvassers reconvened in open session at 3:09 p.m. in the boardroom of the Central Administration Building located at 215 S. Eagle Street, Oshkosh, Wisconsin for the purpose of certifying the recount results of the April 4, 2006 Spring Election for the position of school board member.

Candidates Present: Dan Becker and Amy Weinsheim

A draft of the minutes was distributed to the candidates and the media. The three (3) challenges raised by Mr. Becker were addressed by the Board of Canvassers as follows:

1. Absentee Envelopes lacking applications: Mr. Becker’s position was that these votes should not be counted. The State Elections Board has opined that when the intent of the voter is clear, there is no evidence of any fraud and the defect is no fault of the elector, we should count the ballot. There is no way to tell which ballot applies to which absentee voter. Furthermore, the absentee envelopes and electors are on the poll lists. In light of Lee vs. Paulson, the Board of Canvassers has decided to error on the side of caution. The applications for the absentee ballots have been supplemented to the extent possible. Once we match up the applications that we have, we will exclude those envelopes that do not have written applications on file. When necessary, we will reduce the number of ballots.
2. Ballots containing initials of none or one poll worker: Mr. Becker’s position was that ballots with no initials or one set of initials should be counted. Based on objections of both parties and the desire to remain consistent, the Board pulled (did not count) these ballots. In light of Roth vs. Lafarge School District, the Board of Canvassers reached a decision that we will count these ballots.

3. Qualifications of an elector in the Town of Vinland: The inspection statement from the polling site as well as the Town Clerk verified there was some confusion regarding an elector’s voting jurisdiction being Winneconne or Oshkosh. There was no evidence of fraud or voter intimidation. When we get to the Town of Vinland, we will reduce the number of electors by 1.

Absentee Envelopes and Applications
Town of Utica: The Town Clerk provided the Board with the 2 missing applications. There were no objections.

District 5: There were 2 absentee envelopes with no applications (PM and RM).

District 10: The City Clerk provided the missing application (IH). There were no objections.

District 15: The application was subsequently found in the application binder (MM). Dan Becker requested the application be held to compare the signature on the envelope to the signature on the application. This was subsequently done.

Town of Algoma: Eleven absentee envelopes will be eliminated and ballots, if necessary. The Town Clerk provided an application for (DG). Dan Becker reserved his right to object to this application until documentation could be provided proving DG returned an absentee envelope every year since he filed his permanent application.

Town of Oshkosh: One absentee envelope will be eliminated. The Town Clerk was able to provide an application for (RW). There were no objections.

Town of Vinland: The Town Clerk was able to provide all 4 applications. There were no Oshkosh Area School District applicants. There were no objections.

Town of Nekimi: Three absentee envelopes with no applications will be eliminated.

Ballots containing initials of none or one poll worker
The following voting districts and municipalities had ballots that were initially pulled (not counted) due to the objections of both candidates for lack of one or more inspector’s initials and will be added back into the vote totals:

District 4 1 ballot
District 6 1 ballot
District 9 2 ballots
District 10 1 ballot
District 11 4 ballots
District 12 6 ballots
District 14 3 ballots
District 15 16 ballots
District 16 1 ballot
District 17 1 ballot
Algoma 6 ballots
Black Wolf 1 ballot
Vinland 1 ballot

The ballot bin seal and the ballot bag seal were broken at 3:43 p.m.
There were 13 absentee envelopes and 2 were removed (marked #1 and #2) leaving 11 absentee envelopes. The Board of Canvassers reduced the number of ballots by 2, looking for blank ballots, ballots without initials, and ballots with only one set of initials before randomly drawing ballots. There were no objections. One vote was subtracted from Kavanaugh, Monte, and Weinsheim. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073104 at 3:55 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:00 p.m.
There were 15 absentee envelopes and 1 was removed leaving 14 absentee envelopes. The Board of Canvassers reduced the number of ballots by 1, looking for blank ballots, ballots without initials, and ballots with only one set of initials before randomly drawing ballots.
One vote was subtracted from Kavanaugh. (See Tally) There were no objections.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073443 at 4:07 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:09 p.m.
There were 5 absentee envelopes and 3 were removed leaving 2 absentee envelopes. The Board of Canvassers reduced the number of ballots by 3, looking for blank ballots, ballots without initials, and ballots with only one set of initials before randomly drawing ballots.
Votes subtracted were 1 vote from Wilson, 1 vote from Kavanaugh, 3 votes from Becker, and 1 vote from Weinsheim. (See Tally) There were no objections.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073176 at 4:12 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:14 p.m.
One ballot was added in for lack of initials. Votes added were 1 for Wilson, 1 for Monte and 1 for Becker. (See Tally) There were no objections.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073171 at 4:16 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:17 p.m.
One ballot was added in for lack of initials resulting in one more ballot than electors. There were no ballots completely blank or with no initials. Accordingly, the ballot with one set of initials was deemed defective and not counted to reconcile electors and ballots. District 6 remained the same with regard to Wards 11 and 12.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073493 at 4:26 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:28 p.m.
Ward 18 electors and ballots reconciled. Ward 17 contained 1 more ballot than elector.
There were no ballots completely blank or with no initials for Ward 17.
Two ballots were objected to because of one set of initials. A random draw was made of these ballots
in order to reconcile the electors and ballots in Ward 17. Ballot #5 was not counted.
Ballot #9 was counted. One vote was added for Monte. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073175 at 4:38 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:39 pm
One ballot was added in for lack of initials; however, there were no votes cast on the ballot for the Oshkosh Area School District so there was no change to the vote totals.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073180 at 4:40 p.m.

The seal was broken from the ballot bin at 4:41 p.m.
The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:42 p.m.
Four ballots were added in for lack of initials and votes were as follows: (Ward 21) 1 votes for Wilson, 1 vote for Becker and 1 vote for Weinsheim and (Ward 22) 2 votes for Kavanaugh, 3 votes for Becker and 1 vote for Traska. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073197 at 4:44 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:45 p.m.
Six ballots were added in for lack of initials and votes were as follows: 2 votes for Wilson, 3 votes for Monte, 5 votes for Becker, 1 vote for Weinsheim, and 5 votes for Traska. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073150 at 4:49 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:53 p.m.
Three ballots were added in for lack of initials and votes were as follows: 1 vote for Wilson, 3 votes for Kavanaugh, 1 vote for Becker, and 1 vote for Traska. (See Tally)
The ballot bags were resealed with Seal #0073109 and #0073498 at 4:56 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 4:57 p.m.
There were 16 ballots added in for lack in initials and votes were as follows: (Ward 28) 6 votes for Wilson, 7 votes for Kavanaugh, 3 votes for Monte, 6 votes for Becker, 11 votes for Weinsheim, and 8 votes for Traska and (Ward 29) 1 vote for Kavanaugh and 1 vote for Weinsheim. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0040552 at 5:05 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 5:06 p.m.

As City Clerk Pam Ubrig had explained earlier, Ward 30 had 230 ballots and the tape showed 232 because 2 ballots were put through the voting machine twice. The Board had hand counted 230 ballots in Ward 30. The Recount tape showed 232 because there were 2 absentee envelopes (Marked #1 and #5) that were initially rejected by poll workers (and, therefore, not identified on the poll list) but accepted by the Board. There is 1 ballot (Marked #7) that was not counted because of a defective absentee envelope. In Ward 30 the number of ballots exceeded the number of electors and, therefore, a defective ballot with only 1 signature was pulled to reconcile electors to ballots. There was no change to District 16.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073146 and #0073121 at 5:42 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 5:44 p.m.
One ballot was added in for lack of initials and votes were as follows: 1 vote for Monte and 1 vote for Traska. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073161 at 5:45 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 5:46 p.m.
One ballot was added in for lack of initials and votes were as follows: 1 vote for Wilson and 1 vote for Weinsheim. (See Tally)
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073122 at 5:48 p.m.

The seal was removed from the ballot bag at 5:49 p.m.
The Board reduced the number of electors by one for the Winneconne resident who voted as an Oshkosh resident. There was one more ballot than elector. The Board determined the ballot with only 1 set of initials was defective and pulled the ballot to reconcile the number of ballots and electors. Therefore, the count remained the same for the Town of Vinland.
The ballot bag was resealed with Seal #0073178 at 6:25 p.m.
The seals were removed from the ballot bags at 6:26 p.m.
There were 30 absentee envelopes. Dan Becker objected to an application submitted by DG as inappropriate because no verification existed that the elector had returned an absentee envelope at all times from the time the application was initially filed. The clerk stated that this individual did, in fact, return an absentee envelope at all times since she has been the Town Clerk. The application indicates DG is indefinitely confined. Attorney Renning pointed out that this application is similar to other permanent applications the Board has accepted. The Board unanimously accepted the application as valid. The Board reduced the number of electors by 11 because of a lack of written applications. Accordingly, 11 ballots were pulled (not counted). The Board discovered no blank ballots, eliminated 5 ballots with no initials, and randomly drew 6 other ballots. The votes were subtracted as follows: 3 for Wilson, 3 for Kavanaugh, 2 for Monte, 3 for Becker, and 1 for Traska. (See Tally) There was one non-absentee ballot added in for lack of initials and the vote was 1 for Traska. (See Tally)
The ballot bags were resealed with Seal #0073177 and #0073113 at 6:49 p.m.

Dan Becker thanked everyone who participated in the recount. He stated that he owed it to the individuals who voted for him to request a recount. The citizens and taxpayers needed to know this election was legitimate. He would like the opportunity to address some election issues regarding process with the clerks from the city and county. He offered his congratulations to Mrs. Weinsheim.

John Weinsheim, on behalf of Amy, thanked the Board of Canvassers as well as the Oshkosh voters for their patience in this process.

Attorney Renning thanked both candidates for being very patient during the recount process. Hopefully, the Board did everything it could through the course of the recount to be fair. He thanked City Clerk Pam Ubrig and Winnebago County Clerk Sue Ertmer for helping the Board through this process as well.

Teresa Collins read off the certified election/recount results as follows:
Lee Wilson 3,970
Dennis Kavanaugh 5,410
Michelle A. Monte 2,948
Dan Becker 4,659
Amy Weinsheim 4,670
Wayne Traska 4,884

A motion was made by Claudette Elliott, seconded by Kim Ringer to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.

Dated this 17th Day of April, 2006

Board of Canvassers



3. (Clerk Designee)

[ Views: 209 ] Edit

The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: tthiel on Friday, April 21 2006 @ 05:34 PM MDT
So does anyone, after reading these minutes think this recount was about counting every vote?

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Friday, April 21 2006 @ 08:41 PM MDT
Teresa, I have some thoughts on it but have had a long day and am just getting in. I will post my thoughts sometime over the weekend.

- Cheryl

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Monday, April 24 2006 @ 03:46 PM MDT
Teresa, the past week or so, including the weekend, was much busier than I anticipated and I am first getting around to this now. You asked for people’s feedback after they read the official minutes of the recount proceeding. Having done so, a few things seem clear to me:

There were a tremendous amount of objections in this recount, mostly by Mr. Becker. I can understand objecting when there really is an issue, but objecting on the basis of a technicality, when it was clear what the voter intent was, in my mind amounts to nothing more than objecting for the sake of objecting and/or attempting to suppress votes. Yes, we have election rules and they should be followed. But people are human and don't always follow instructions. Does that mean we throw out votes simply because someone made a mistake? How would each of us feel if it was our vote being tossed out because we erred?

Along with that I think we all agree there were a number of mistakes made by poll workers – attributable more, I suspect, to oversight than carelessness or lack of training. But as has been indicated on this and other blogs, if we recounted ballots in every election I bet we would find mistakes in each and every one – mistakes made by voters and poll workers alike. And surely the person requesting the recount is expecting a certain amount of mistakes – at least enough to give him or her the edge. Again, people (and equipment, too) are subject to error, but you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. All in all, the system we have in place works pretty well and you have to look at the end result and ask yourself if, at the end of the day, the wishes of the voting public were granted? I think in this case, we have to say the answer to that question is “yes.”

I also want to make an observation about Mrs. Monte's unofficial and somewhat crude "minutes," or what some are calling "notes." I believe, like many others, that they were written in such a way that they presented a slightly different picture than the way things really happened. I also have read Mrs. Monte’s explanations that she didn’t take all the notes herself; that others besides her were taking them. I think that’s a cop-out. Why didn’t she put the person’s name or initials by each set of notes they took? Not only did she not do that but she then took it upon herself to act in a “leadership” capacity by posting all the notes on the Internet, signing her name to them in doing so. So why shouldn’t she take responsibility for their accuracy or lack thereof? More important than any of this is why does she think we need, or even want, these additional “minutes.” The district has an official recording secretary for its minutes, as did the board of canvassers for the recount. That should be good enough for anyone, especially when the notes she’s presented are in the condition they are and she is apparently unwilling to assume responsibility for whether they are completely accurate or not. (That much seems obvious by virtue of the fact that she posted them and when questions were later raised said “Oh, I didn’t do them all myself.”)

Speaking of Mrs. Monte, I thought it was interesting that Mr. Becker would list Michelle Monte as a person who could speak or act on his behalf, yet he objected because Mrs. Weinsheim had Mrs. Bowen listed. Now, I understand Mrs. Bowen is a current member of the school board, but Mrs. Monte was also a candidate in this election. It just seems a little hypocritical to me. He also objected to certain people assisting with or taking part in one way or another in the recount, including the attorney for the school district. As Tony Palmeri said on his blog, such behavior made him look “paranoid and petty.” Some people have even told me they thought Dan Becker came off acting like a Philadelphia lawyer who was nothing more than a bully.

Regarding Mr. Kent Monte’s comment that every recreated ballot was considered an objection, I agree with Teresa that this is nonsense. The minutes don’t seem to support Monte’s statement either. And going back to the numerous objections by Mr. Becker, Mr. Monte said on another blog that unless Becker objected to things at the time (of the recount) there would be no way to revisit those issues later when more information would be available. When? Later in the recount process, later in a court of law, or both? Granted, Mr. Becker’s attorney came back during the recount with some information suggesting that certain ballots Mr. Becker objected to should not be counted, but I believe the state Elections Board opined that where voter intent could be established, the votes should be counted. And isn’t this really all any election or subsequent recount should be about: making sure every vote counts?

The same situation occurred with the ballots from St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran church. Dan Becker wanted those votes nullified, and again, because of a technicality. But as in the other cases, voter intent could be ascertained and the votes were counted.

Legalities and technicalities aside, it seems to me that this all comes down to two very simple issues: You either want to ensure voter intent was honored and every such vote counted OR you want to suppress them at some point in the process. Unfortunately for Dan Becker, though the election and recount are over, people have observed what happened – either in person or through some other means like the media or by reading the official minutes – and have formed their own opinions of him and his behavior. And no matter how much good he may have done during his service on the school board, those opinions are now, to one degree or another, a permanent part of the annals of Oshkosh politics and will play a role in how Dan Becker is remembered.

- Cheryl

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: chzhead on Monday, April 24 2006 @ 07:59 PM MDT
Cheryl--- I like your method of reasoning. How do you come up with some of your conclusions? Once again we have another media outlet that is making a spin on the recount. You think that Dan wasted everyones time and money and wanted to throw all the votes out. How did he end up with less votes then? You seem to drag the Monte's in on quite a bit, I think that one of them asked on another blog of Theil and nobody would answer it then. How about now? If you are so right with your assessment of the recount, how did Dan lose 3 votes if he was objecting to get Amy's thrown out? Seems to me it should have been the other way if Dan was such a bad guy.
It was also pointed out by you and others that Dan objected alot to be able to revisit issues. You disagree. I have to ask you then since you are an expert, how do you go back to ballots that have problems if no objections are made or ballots marked? You can't . They did go back on Tuesday or Wednesday. Without objections, it couldn't be possible.

I really don't expect you to answer. You have your views and it has never mattered before. I hope that you enjoy Amy on the board. I think that it will be something that this community will regret later.

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Monday, April 24 2006 @ 08:27 PM MDT
I don't know why you would say you didn't expect me to answer. I have answered you before, haven't I?

I think I explained my reasoning pretty clearly. I spun nothing, but rather pointed out how I viewed things. I never said Dan Becker wasted anyone's time and money. Just the opposite, in fact. I have said previously to many people and on this site that I thought the recount was necessary. What I did not see as being necessary was the persistency in his objections and the pickiness with which they seemed to be done. And yes, I think it was very clear that he did not want some of the votes to count. After all he wanted to nullify all 262 from St. John's Lutheran because someone forgot to sign a bag used to transport the ballots to City Hall.

You ask how it is he ended up with less votes? Recounts usually result in the numbers changing a little. There's nothing unusual about that. But obviously when you object to a vote you don't know how the Board of Canvassers is going to decide. It's a gamble, if you will.

You also said the following: "It was also pointed out by you and others that Dan objected alot to be able to revisit issues. You disagree. I have to ask you then since you are an expert, how do you go back to ballots that have problems if no objections are made or ballots marked? You can't ." If you go back and read my impressions of the recount you will see that I did not agree or disagree with this comment about objecting in order to revisit later. I merely asked some additional rhetorical questions about that. I do, however, think that objecting when voter intent is clear, and to do it over and over and over again, is not even about revisiting issues later unless your ultimate intent is to have the votes thrown out. I imagine, that is why the Elections Board has said that where voter intent is clear, the vote should count.

- Cheryl

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: L Schaffer on Monday, April 24 2006 @ 10:42 PM MDT
The person or persons that were suppose to train these poll workers apparently did not take their job seriously to make sure these poll workers knew their jobs. A letter of reprimand should be put in their permanent file at work. You talk of people being human and humans make mistakes, what about our yuong kids that made a mistake and got convicted of having drugs and they can no longer apply for financial aid from our government so they can continue to go to school. Yes people make mistakes, but we now live in a world were some mistakes are alright like the mistakes made during last election and other mistakes that are just unforgivable. Mistakes were made because people would not listen and were not trained properly. The only way these people learn to do things right was to throw those votes out. I know you would disagree on this, but thats the way people learn, and yes people in time will regret putting Amy back on the school board.

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: chzhead on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 07:47 AM MDT
Poll workers are volunteers, for the most part. Thought you should know that Leon. There are no files to put a reprimand in.

I do agree that more training should be done. The city clerk's report on day one stated she had found a list of issues that lead to errors. I hope she addresses them before the next election.

I would have to say, if we want to avoid this in the future, we need to get out and vote. If more people had voted, it might not have been so close. I did vote and found it irritating the next couple of days to hear people say that if they knew it would be so close, they would have voted.

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 08:58 AM MDT

When you throw votes out, a couple things can happen: (1) the voter gets disenfranchised because of a poll worker's error, or (2) the voter's ballot gets tossed because of their own mistake.

Either way no one really knows that a vote is being tossed aside because of an error unless there is a recount (in fact, it likely wouldn't get tossed unless there was a recount); and in the case of a voter making the mistake and having their ballot rejected, the likelihood they will ever know it, so as to correct their error in the future, is slim to none.

Mistakes such as signing one's name in pencil instead of ink or only one person signing a ballot instead of two, etc., are hardly the same as using or selling drugs. The latter are criminal offenses, and in some cases felonies. Mistakes like those made during an election are not criminal matters, are not prosecutable and aren't even close to being on the same level.

Leon, how do you know that people were not trained properly, would not listen or did not take their jobs seriously? That's a pretty strong accusation and I think you're absolutely incorrect in making it. These poll workers are dedicated pople who work their tails off and the day is very long. There is also a lot of tedious work involved. Have you ever made a mistake in any of your jobs, and when you did, were you always written up and something put in your personnel file? I doubt it seriously.

To chzhead, poll workers are not volunteers. They all get paid something, though it is a small amount, especially given the long hours. You are right though, they are not actually considered employees and therefore do not have personnel files at City Hall.

Finally, I am sure city clerk Pam Ubrig will go over the mistakes the poll workers made with all of them before the next election. But I think she and her staff also work very hard to train each and every poll worker they have. But I bet they could always use more. Maybe those who think the poll workers we have are so lousy could apply to become a poll worker themselves and help in the process. I'm sure your commitment to perfection would be appreciated.

- Cheryl

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: tthiel on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 08:32 AM MDT
Chzhead, I did answer the question someone posted on another site as to why the candidates ended up with more votes, it is due to the BOARD of CANVASSERS overruling Mr. Becker's objections to throw out votes. If the board had agreed with Mr. Becker every time to throw out the votes he objected to being counted, there would have been at least 462 FEWER votes (262 ballots in district 8, and objections to over 200 more ballots) in the school board election. There could have been over 1,000 fewer votes in the school board election if every ballot objected to by Mr. Becker had been thrown out since most ballots had more than one vote for school board (each of the ballots could have had as many as 3 votes for school board).

So, those of us who wanted EVERY vote counted can thank the Board of Canvassers for counting the vast majority of the votes (they did NOT count those absentee ballots that did not have an application on file).

As for the comment "It was also pointed out by you and others that Dan objected alot to be able to revisit issues. You disagree. I have to ask you then since you are an expert, how do you go back to ballots that have problems if no objections are made or ballots marked?" If one were just making sure that every vote is counted, you wouldn't need to 'go back' to count ballots, they would have already been counted. Anyone who watched the recount of the Mattox/Tower Common Council race in 2001 would know in that recount it was about determining voter intent (is that mark in that oval a vote or a stray mark?) and about recreating ballots that voters did not mark darkly enough, it was not about asking that an absentee ballot be thrown out because the voter signed the envelope in pencil, or on the wrong line or because the witness didn't put their address on the envelope.

As for the training of the poll workers, they do have good training but when you have human beings working 14-15 hours at something they do only a few times a year, there are bound to be some errors, but if you look at the number of ballots handled, and the number of poll worker errors, I think it is rather small (one bag out of more than 40 which wasn't signed, some applications for absentee ballots not available --- that wouldn't be the poll workers, that would be city/county clerks jobs,--- some ballots that did not have two poll workers signatures -- law only requires one signature, so really where are the huge number of errors some of you are referring to?)

A number of the objections by Mr. Becker had to do with absentee ballots, as referenced above, signed in pencil, no witness address etc.not errors by anyone, as the Board of Canvassers counted all those votes. If those objections were not an attempt by Mr. Becker to have the ballots thrown out, what were the objections for? There is NO law that the envelope for absentee ballots has to be signed in ink, or that the witness needs to include their address or that you should invalidate a vote just because the voter signed their name on the wrong line!

So I will ask the Becker supporters, if his objections were not an attempt to have votes thrown out, why were the objections made to have votes "invalidated"? Please read the official minutes!

Teresa Thiel

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: Jim B. on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 08:58 AM MDT
I am starting to think that Theresa Thiel and Michelle Monte are the same person arguing with themselves!!!!

It's over!!!!

Jim B.

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: tthiel on Tuesday, April 25 2006 @ 09:09 AM MDT
Jim B.

I can assure you that is not the case, I was simply answering chzhead's question. Just because the recount is over it doesn't change the fact that a candidate wanted to throw out numerous votes. I also think chzhead made an excellent point that people need to get out and vote. You would think that the 2 common council races that went to a recount would have been enough to prove to people that every vote makes a difference, but no, you still find the majority of eligible voters stay home, not taking the few mintues necessary to vote. I find that the saddest thing of all, and that makes it even MORE important that we count the votes of those who did bother to vote.

Teresa Thiel

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Wednesday, April 26 2006 @ 06:46 AM MDT
"Chzhead," I realize that I have already answered your question(s), but I read with interest Amy Weinheim's letter to the editor in this morning's paper. It, too, addresses your most recent comments. One sentence in particular that she wrote piqued my curiosity, and it might others' as well.

She wrote: "The original petition asking for the recount stated as reason the suspicion of voter fraud and voter suppression."

Now granted, I have not seen the petition but since this would be something very easy to disprove were it not true, it stands to reason that this is what Dan Becker wrote on his petition. Would you concede that point? And I would think that to make such an accusation and cast such suspicion and doubt on the electoral process from the outset would lead any reasonable person to believe that Mr. Becker went into the recount with a very defensive posture, leading to the excessive requests for the vote nullification we then saw.

- Cheryl

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: tthiel on Wednesday, April 26 2006 @ 08:27 AM MDT
Isn't it a contradiction to allege voter suppression in your petition and then spend the entire recount trying to supress votes? I just don't understand how one can reconcile that contradiction.

Teresa Thiel

Official Minutes From School Board Election Recount
Authored by: admin on Wednesday, April 26 2006 @ 09:12 AM MDT
I don't understand it either and, frankly, I don't think the two can be reconciled.

- Cheryl