Airport informational meetings scheduled
For years many people have believed, even complained, that Wittman Regional Airport is dead and a drain on Winnebago County taxpayers. Various county officials, when appearing on Eye on Oshkosh, have explained otherwise and have even presented precise facts and figures to show the airport, while no longer an airport which boasts a commercial airline, is still a bustling commercial entity that holds its own financially. It is probably one of the county's best kept secrets; but no more.
Wittman Regional Airport will host two public information meetings in December to introduce the public to the operations and finances of the county-owned airport. Those attending will have the opportunity to meet some of the people responsible for the operation of the airport, learn about airport land use and the physical layout of the airport and have a chance to tour some of the facilities. Information about the airport's finances, including how it is funded and how it creates income will also be presented. In addition, several of the airport-based businesses will have representatives on hand who can discuss with attendees the importance of the airport to their businesses; and people will have an opportunity to learn how other local companies, though located off-site from the airport use the airport's facilities and services in their own business operations.
The program will be presented at 7 p.m. on Dec. 3 and Dec. 10 at the Wittman Regional Airport terminal building, located at 525 W. 20th Ave. The program, which includes a light snack and beverages, is free, however reservations are required. More information can be obtained or reservations can be made by emailing Robert Mark at or by calling the airport office at (920) 236-4930.
Wittman Regional Airport will host two public information meetings in December to introduce the public to the operations and finances of the county-owned airport. Those attending will have the opportunity to meet some of the people responsible for the operation of the airport, learn about airport land use and the physical layout of the airport and have a chance to tour some of the facilities. Information about the airport's finances, including how it is funded and how it creates income will also be presented. In addition, several of the airport-based businesses will have representatives on hand who can discuss with attendees the importance of the airport to their businesses; and people will have an opportunity to learn how other local companies, though located off-site from the airport use the airport's facilities and services in their own business operations.
The program will be presented at 7 p.m. on Dec. 3 and Dec. 10 at the Wittman Regional Airport terminal building, located at 525 W. 20th Ave. The program, which includes a light snack and beverages, is free, however reservations are required. More information can be obtained or reservations can be made by emailing Robert Mark at or by calling the airport office at (920) 236-4930.