Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hopper newsletter sends constituents to adult chat line

According to this story in the Oshkosh Northwestern constituents in the 18th Senate District got a surprise message when they called the number for the office of state Sen. Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac, listed in a letter mailed to their homes. Why? Because the phone number it listed as being that of Hopper’s office actually was a number for an adult chat line. Maybe Jay Leno would like to take a poke at this gaffe, like he did of the Gordon Hintz massage parlor incident.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The New Corporate World Order

Governor Scott Walker and his foot soldiers claim they have to rein in spending in order to close Wisconsin's deficit. Yet they continue to try closing the deficit on the back of middle and low income people while gving tax breaks to the rich and Wisconsin-based corporations. That kind of activity has more and more people pointing to them and saying "Liar, liar, pants on fire." And while it's certainly no excuse just because others are doing it, I thought you might enjoy  this op-ed piece by Truth Dig's Robert Scheer. In my opinion, it certainly sums up the way of the corporate world, not the least of which seems to be obscene greediness and both moral and ethical depravity. This is exactly why Walker, his Republican counterparts, and handouts for the rich and corportations need to be stopped.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Oshkosh Area School District Addresses Governor Walker’s Budget Plans

On Wednesday, April 6, 2011, Superintendent Don Viegut spoke to the Oshkosh Area School District Board of Education regarding the impact of Governor Walker’s proposed budget and Budget Repair Bill. There are a number of factors that are yet unknown, especially with the recent injunction on the Budget Repair Bill. The Oshkosh Area School District has, however, addressed many budgetary factors and is moving forward with the board identified goal of becoming a destination district. Dr. Viegut stated in his address that settling the association contracts has given Oshkosh and its employees a sense of stability, allowing faculty and staff to focus on student learning. Since the contract settlements, in addition to the regular work of the district, the following has occurred:

- District administrators have had multiple meetings with legislators to explain how the “one size fits all” proposed budget takes away tools from low-spending districts like Oshkosh and widens the economic gap, creating districts who are “have’s” and those who are “have nots.”

- The district met with Senator Hopper, and prepared a packet of information for him explaining Oshkosh’s unique challenges, and what changes may help the district. This past week, the district followed up with him in person to reaffirm their position and clarify questions on the information provided.

- Through various senators, administrators have asked the governor to consider how the new third grade reading test (Governor Walker’s Read to Lead initiative) will align with the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam already given in third grade, the new SMARTER Balanced Assessment planned for 2014-15, and the universal screeners and progress monitoring assessments given with Response to Intervention process (RtI). Districts need to spend their money on helping students achieve, not testing on information already known – that Oshkosh students are high achieving.

- Work has begun on assessing teacher effectiveness. The administrative team is already discussing what the district values for their teachers. Looking at instructional effectiveness and measures of good teaching, the district is contemplating how future teacher pay is going to be determined.

- The district is taking part in regional conversations to address employee benefits in a fiscally responsible manner, considering purchasing as a consortium rather than an individual district.

- Plans are in place to address changing past contract language into policy and employee handbooks if the Budget Repair Bill is determined to be law.

- Financial scenario planning is taking place with PMA Financial Network, Inc. and Dr. Viegut requested a future workshop with administrators and board members to discuss those scenarios.

All of this work has been and will be balanced with the regular district work and the goals of innovation and strategic planning. The district intends to update the Board of Education as more information is learned.

Oshkosh Area School District School Board Votes to Support Community Civility Project

On Wednesday, April 6, 2011, the Oshkosh Area School District Board of Education resolved to support the Oshkosh Community Civility Project and to advance the tenets of the civility project within its schools. Throughout February, members of the Oshkosh educational leaders from the administrative team and the Board of Education were invited to take part in numerous conversations regarding the concept of civility as a priority of the greater Oshkosh community. In a 7-0 vote on Wednesday night, the board agreed to support this community initiative formally. Already successful in Duluth, MN and Truckee-Tahoe, CA, the civility project embraces the following nine principles:

1) Pay attention: Be aware and attend to the world and the people around you.

2) Listen: Focus on others in order to better understand their points of view.

3) Be inclusive: Welcome all groups of citizens working for the greater good of the community.

4) Don’t gossip: And don’t accept when others choose to do so.

5) Show respect: Honor other people and their opinions, especially in the midst of a disagreement.

6) Be agreeable: Look for opportunities to agree. Don’t contradict just to do so.

7) Apologize: Be sincere and repair damaged relationships.

8) Give constructive criticism: When disagreeing, stick to the issues and don’t make a personal attack.

9) Take responsibility: Don’t shift responsibility and blame others. Share disagreements publicly.

The idea behind the civility project is not to stop disagreements, but to encourage open and civil discussion. Board members Steve Dedow and Ben Schneider II vocally supported the civility project at the meeting. By approving this resolution, the board agreed to stay informed of the community project, employ these principles for itself, and encourage the education and use of the nine tenets district-wide. Superintendent, Dr. Donald Viegut, has already asked schools to submit their current building rules, and the administrative team will be looking for commonalities to start using the “Speak Your Peace” language of the Community Civility Project with Oshkosh Area School District students.

City Seeks Input on Parks and Recreation Facilities

(Oshkosh, WI.) The Parks Department is inviting residents to take part in a citizen survey. The goal of the survey is to receive public input on current park and recreation facilities in the city of Oshkosh as well as future park and park facility needs. The feedback will be used as the Parks Department updates the city's Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan.
The survey is available on the city website,, under the hot topics section. Hard copies of the survey are also available at the Public Library reference section, Seniors Center, Parks Department, and City Hall in the City Manager’s office.

The deadline to complete the survey is May 31, 2011. Only Oshkosh residents are asked to complete the survey. All responses are anonymous.

If you have any questions, please call the Parks Department office at (920) 236-5080.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

News from the Winnebago County Democratic Party

Winnebago County Democratic Party,

All of those items listed above are happening tomorrow!

And there is more:

1. Budget Hearing – Neenah will host fourth budget public hearing – from

Neenah will host fourth budget public hearing The fourth public hearing on the 2011-13 budget has been moved from Arcadia to Neenah High School, the co-chairs of the JFC have announced.

The Wednesday hearing, the last scheduled by the committee, had been set for a school in Arcadia, but the co-chairs said the district had concerns about a disruption to students.

The hearing will is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Come out and let your voice be heard!

2. Jess King Holds Special Announcement

OSHKOSH- Jessica King will hold a special announcement on Wednesday April 13 at 12:00 pm at Beckets in Oshkosh. King is currently Oshkosh Deputy Mayor and City Council member.

12:00 PM Wednesday April 13, 2011

Beckets – 2 Jackson Street – Oshkosh, WI 54901

3. Recount Help Needed for the Jef for Oshkosh Campaign!

Help! I need some people to help with my re-count. They assume it will take 4-6 days, and I can only have 1-2 days off work.

Please spread the word. If you or a reliable friend are available any morning or afternoon (or all day) Wednesday (tomorrow) thru next Friday (4/22) and could look at ballots for my name, please let me know.

This is not going to be a contentious recount, we are merely trying to make sure all votes cast are counted, not disqualifying votes for others. Please let me know.



Jef Hall – 920.203.6883 –

4. 6th CD Democratic Party Convention

Come join Democrats from the 6th CD for their 2011 Convention and plan for the exciting upcoming 2012 Presidential Campaign cycle as we work to take back Wisconsin!

9:00 AM Registration opens

10:00 AM Convention Opens

• Fond du Lac County Democratic Party Welcome

• Pledge and Star Spangled Banner

• Speeches by Elected Officials, Invited Guests

• Candidates for State Party Offices (Elected at State Convention)

• Candidates for Public Office (any potential candidates for any office within the 6th CD are welcome to speak)

12 Noon Registration Closes / Lunch is Served

1:00 PM Convention resumes / Election of CD Officers 2011-2013

• 6th CD Chair (2-year term)

• 6th CD 1st Vice Chair (2-year term)

• 6th CD 2nd Vice Chair (2-year term)

• 6th CD Secretary (2-year term)

• 6th CD Treasurer (2-year term)

• 6th CD DPW Administrative Committee Representative

• Platform & Resolutions Member (3-year term)

• Alternate Platform & Resolutions Member (1-year term)

1:00/1:30 PM Congressional District Business meeting

• Officers Reports; Chair’s Report; Secretary’s Report; Treasurer’s Report & Budget

1:30 PM: Platform and Resolutions

2:30 PM: Goal Setting for Year:

JFK Dinner (TBA)

2012 6th CD Convention Potential Location

2011 Calendar

Conclude all unfinished business

PRICE: $25.00 Per Person – Pre-registered – Delegates, Alternates and Guests



Authorized and Paid for by the Winnebago County Democratic Party – Sara Stichert, Chair

Jef Hall
112 E Irving Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Monday, April 04, 2011

Rep. Hintz to host Oshkosh Area Public Hearing on the State Budget


For Immediate Release
April 4, 2011

Oshkosh Area Public Hearing on the State Budget

Opportunity to hear from constituents on Governor Walker’s proposed budget

Oshkosh – Rep. Hintz (D-Oshkosh) announced today that he will host a budget public hearing in Oshkosh on Saturday, April 9th. Area legislators from both parties have been invited to participate. Attendance has been confirmed by Joint Finance Committee Member Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) and Rep. Penny Bernard Schaber (D-Appleton).

This hearing is the first of a series of events being hosted by Democratic Legislators statewide. The Joint Finance Committee elected to hold just four budget hearings statewide, the fewest number of public hearings held in 25 years. The scheduled Joint Finance hearings are also being held during weekday business hours when it is difficult for many working families to attend. Holding an event in Oshkosh on a Saturday allows Oshkosh Area residents to participate and voice their opinions and concerns.

Governor Walker's proposed budget has large consequences for communities around Wisconsin including cuts to public education and vital programs such as health care for seniors and children. Given this drastic shift in Wisconsin ’s priorities, it is more important than ever to hear from people across the state, not just a few locations during limited business hours.

This event is open to the public and the press.

Oshkosh State Budget Public Hearing:
Invited: Area Legislators & Open to the Public
Date: Saturday, April 9th
Time: 10:30am – 4:30 pm
Location University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh (Reeve Union Room 202), 748 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI

Local forum to focus on impact of proposed health care cuts in state budget

The Oshkosh ESTHER organization is sponsoring a public forum focusing on the proposed Wisconsin state budget and how it will impact health care access and service for people in our community.

Local experts who work in the health care field every day will be on hand to explain the potential impact on children, families, single adults, disabled persons and seniors in our community due to proposed funding cuts, and to answer your questions. You'll also learn how you can share your concerns with local lawmakers and legislators before they vote, making final decisions that will impact us all.

This forum is free and open to anyone. It will be held on Thursday, April 16 at 6:30 pm at First Congregational Church, 137 Algoma Blvd. in Oshkosh. Please help spread the word. For more information, email Oshkosh ESTHER at