Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eye on Oshkosh learns about a dog rescue operation in Oshkosh

The latest episode of Eye on Oshkosh is now online and will be airing on Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications cable access channels in the next two weeks. I had a super enjoyable conversation with Jim Deering from N.E.W. Pawsibilities, a dog rescue organization based in Oshkosh, but serving all of Northeast Wisconsin. It can be seen here:

Friday, February 06, 2015

The Oshkosh Independent is launched online; publisher discusses it on Eye on Oshkosh

The latest episode of Eye on Oshkosh has been taped and is now online. Community activist Justin Mitchell stopped by to give us an update on his shoreland preservation project and to discuss a new publication he's just started. Some special guests joined us in the last part of the show to discuss an upcoming concert in Oshkosh. Watch the episode now.