Tuesday, August 23, 2016

First Congregational Church hosts annual Blessing of the Animals Service

Annual Blessing of the Animals service...
The Animal Ministries group of First Congregational Church (137 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh WI) is proud to host its third annual Pet Blessing Service on Saturday, October 1 from 10 to 11 am. This service will be held in the church’s Fellowship Hall. If you have a pet or pets, and would like them blessed for the role they play in your life, please bring them to this special service being held in honor of pets, and St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment.

All pets should be well-behaved, current on all vaccinations, and either leashed or otherwise contained in a carrier, pet crate, etc., depending on the type of pet you have. If you don’t wish to bring your pet, or for some reason can’t, but want to attend the service and still have them blessed, feel free to bring a photo of them.

We encourage you to let your friends and neighbors know about this event so that they can also participate. This year we have also invited working dogs from our community and will be blessing them at this service before they go out to do the very special, much-needed work that they each do. This event is free, but goodwill offerings will be graciously accepted. We look forward to seeing you and your pet(s) on Oct. 1.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Future of racing in Winnebago County discussed on Eye on Oshkosh

For many years stock car racing has been a staple in Winnebago County. But recently, contract negotiations between the county and racing promoters have stalled or otherwise broken down. On this episode, host Chery Hentz talks with promoters (Impact MotorSports dba Oshkosh SpeedZone) about their take on the negotiations, why they believe they aren't being given a fair shake by the county, and why racing should stay in the community.

In another segment of the show County Executive Mark Harris and County Parks Director Rob Way offer their take on the issue and why they believe there are more profitable use options for the County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, making those uses a better deal for county taxpayers.

* Note: This show was not meant to take the place of or act as contract negotiations in any way, but rather to enlighten and educate viewers on the issue and let everyone draw their own conclusion. If anyone has any opinions they wish either party to know, they are encouraged to write to them letting them know how they feel and why they support the side they do. See the show in its entirety by following this link: https://youtu.be/O2HHC8F8JEw

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Oshkosh Area Humane Society featured on Eye on Oshkosh

The latest episode of Eye on Oshkosh is now online. In this episode, Cheryl Hentz spends the hour talking with Joni Geiger and Cheryl Rosenthal from the Oshkosh Area Humane Society about their upcoming Walk for the Animals (annual fundraiser to cover a portion of their medical costs), and other pet-related issues, including some of the animal lifesaving things this shelter continues to do. Visit them at www.oahs.org. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-7ZfnySwuQ