Sunday, December 18, 2016

Oshkosh City Manager makes year-end visit to Eye on Oshkosh

The latest episode of Eye on Oshkosh is now online. Host Cheryl Hentz spends the hour talking with Oshkosh City Manager Mark Rohloff about property taxes, snow plowing information, snow shoveling ordinances, the ongoing use of a local park for Sawdust Days, etc. You can watch the show by going to the following link:

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Learning the basics about human and sex trafficking

The latest edition of Eye on Oshkosh is now online. Join host Cheryl Hentz as she talks with Pastors Cindy Crane and Barb Girod about sex trafficking and human trafficking, a problem that is rapidly growing and can affect anyone, no matter their sex or age. Crane is the director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy of Wisconsin (LOPPW) and Girod is an advisory council member for LOPPW. You can get more information about this subject and what LOPPW is doing about this troubling problem at In the meantime, you can see the show here: