Thursday, June 07, 2018

Eye On Oshkosh - Library summer programming, Storm Preparedness, taped 6...

In this episode of Eye on Oshkosh, host Cheryl Hentz discusses summer programming at the Oshkosh Public Library with Marie Boleman, Head of Children's & Family Outreach, and Maggie Mueller, Teen Services Librarian. There are many fun, exciting events going on all summer long, right until the Summer Block Party on Aug. 24.

In the second half, Hentz visits with Winnebago County Emergency Management Director Linda Kollmann who share with viewers how they can best prepare for whatever severe summer weather may have in store for us. That includes having a weather radio on hand, having a plan in place and
remembering to include your pets in safety and emergency management plans.

Watch the show in its entirety here or by following this link:

Sunday, June 03, 2018

First Congregational Church hosts its 4th annual Pet Memorial Service

It’s common to have a memorial service to celebrate the life of a loved one who has died. It helps us grieve the death of a loved one and provide an opportunity to start coping with the loss, so we can move toward healing. The same is true in the case of a beloved pet who has passed away.

The Animal Ministries Group at First Congregational Church invites you to our 4th annual Pet Remembrance Service. During this special interfaith service we’ll share memories, we’ll laugh, we’ll cry; but most importantly, we’ll acknowledge our loss and pay tribute to these cherished members of our families. If you – or someone you know – has recently lost a pet, or simply would like to honor a pet (or pets) who has passed some time ago, please join or invite them to join us.

This Pet Remembrance Service is from 10 to 11 am on Saturday, June 23 in the FCC Sanctuary. If you wish, you may bring a picture or favorite item of your beloved departed pet(s) to share with us as you say a few words about those you have lost. Those attending will get a memento to take with them as a remembrance of the service. After the service we invite you to join us for refreshments in the church Lounge, so we can continue to share special memories about our pets.

This event is free and open to the public however, a freewill donation will be taken. First Congregational Church is located at 137 Algoma Blvd., one block west of the Sundial in downtown Oshkosh.