To anyone who has lived in north, northeast, or east central
Wisconsin for any length of time, the name Jerry Burke should sound very
familiar. Burke was a reporter for WBAY-TV 2 from early 1973 until he retired
in 2007.
During those years, he covered hundreds, if not thousands,
of stories for TV viewers in these parts. For years people suggested he write a
book about his experiences, but in January of this year he and his wife, Mary,
decided the time to write that book had come.
On this edition of Eye on Oshkosh, host Cheryl Hentz spends
an enjoyable hour talking with the veteran reporter about the things he covers
in his book: that being the news stories that affected not only him the
greatest but the viewing public, as well. Everything from The Halloween Killer,
Gerald Turner and the Fox Valley's first and only mass murderer, David
Spanbauer and the innocent lives he claimed, to Laurie Depies who went missing
in August 1992 and to this day hasn't been found, and his days of covering and
volunteering at EAA Airventure. It's all here in a very easy-to-read,
more-than-reasonably-priced book, available only through, entitled
"That Doesn’t Happen Here…Until it Did, plus Take-offs of Jerry’s 50-Plus
Years of Covering and Volunteering EAA’s Airventure.”
This was a fascinating hour-long conversation, and we would
like to personally thank Jerry Burke, not only for sharing what stories meant
the most to him and why, but for setting a standard that all journalists should
strive to meet. But we warn you: he has set the bar pretty high.
You can see the show here or by following this link: