Eye On Oshkosh - Care and resources for people with disabilities, famili...
On the most recent edition of Eye on Oshkosh, host Cheryl
Hentz talks with Marla Kopecky Penney, founder of Focus on Freedom and Empower
Freedom, two companies designed to assist people and families who have disabilities.
Focus on Freedom helps foster independence and improve
one’s quality of life by helping individuals with disabilities gain as much
freedom, independence, and joy as possible. They do that by providing a variety
of customized disability-focused services, such as daily living skills
training, personal futures planning, communication, respite care for
caregivers, etc.
Empower Freedom points folks in the right direction when
looking for resources, products and other information to make lives easier when
a disability is involved.
Watch the show here or by following this link: https://youtu.be/tbyI3VsUBgY.