Contributed by: Anonymous
Will Don Sween be allowed to vote on the budget? Being a retired teacher he has no business voting on a budget that has a direct affect on his health care cost and retirement benefits.
The following comments are owned by whomever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say. Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, July 21 2005 @ 09:27 PM MDT
No, he shouldn't. The state ethics laws are fairly straight forward. He shouldn't vote on anything where he has a direct monetary interest. NOW...GOLFING BUDDIES ARE A DIFFERENT STORY.
I predict an immediate ethics complaint being filed. If the amphatheater bathroom problem educated the public about anything, it taught us to act immediately when we feel something is wrong.
I certainly hope he isn't offended when this happens.
Also, beware parents...I suspect there are behind the scene plans being made on how to force feed the public "realignment"! Organize now or it will be too late!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, July 22 2005 @ 09:48 PM MDT
People that are addicted to spending won't pass up a chance to..So lock up your wallet and watchout for the garnishing of your hard earned dollar!.....WEAC can always represent him if an ethics complaint is filed....
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, July 23 2005 @ 02:10 PM MDT
How about we not give the teachers another 7-9% rasie and fix the infestation of 200 mice at Carl Traeger ? Ya, thats right. They caught 200 mice in Traeger this year !! But our teachers got a huge raise when the rest of the world has had a pay freeze for 2-3 years !!
Or how about we fix the roof at Merril school instead of putting tarps on it ? ?
This board needs to get a clue !!!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, July 23 2005 @ 02:42 PM MDT
NOT True teachers did not get a 7-9% raise where do you people get this from? The total package was about 4.2% which includes the cost of benefits so there is NO WAY the raise could have been 7-9%. Please try and get your facts straight before posting comments. Also about 3 years ago teachers took an actual pay CUT and Oshkosh teachers are continually losing ground to teachers in surrounding districts...why do you think we lost at least 3 teachers to Kimberly? Because they were willing to pay them much more than Oshkosh.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, July 23 2005 @ 02:46 PM MDT
What North lost was 3 teachers/COACHES to a Kimberly district that is committed to winning in sports. Get your facts straight!!! The key word being COACHES.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Saturday, July 23 2005 @ 05:05 PM MDT
Wow, the district lost 3 teachers to another district! Out of almost 900 I hear, that isn't too bad Ms. Theil!
Also, it is good to see people leave if the only thing keeping them here is a nice raise!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:51 AM MDT
If you think this district lost only 3 teachers in one year you really do live in a fantasy world. Those were just three very publicized leavings but the turnover is higher than that and it is just the begining as the teacher shortage grows the losses to this district will grow as well.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:57 AM MDT
I'm not crying to see some teachers leave. If they just want to stay because of money, it's probably best if they go. I'm sure there are plenty of other great teachers that would be happy to make the money that the ones who are leaving make!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 07:02 AM MDT
So, how many did leave because retiring at 55 with full health insurance and working 9 months of the year wasn't good enough?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 07:21 AM MDT
As usual you miss the point, the great teachers are now going to districts that respect them.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 10:25 AM MDT
Show me some numbers. My experience is the young teachers are the good ones. I have no problem taking teachers fresh out of college. People leave for the money in all professions. We as a city can not afford to be the highest bidder. Those are just the facts.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 03:20 PM MDT
If you think they get paid so well, and you think they're lives are such a gravy train because they only work 9 months out of the year and retire at 55, then apply for the job! You forget-- the contract they negotiated was for 9 MONTHS OF WORK. And they do NOT retire at 55.
Humorous how so many people here don't have a clue. I can tell you the cops and firefighters in this city make more than the teachers do. Why aren't you going after their jobs and benefits?
The bottom line is, if you think they make so much, you outta stand in their shoes for a while. They earm every penny they make, and I, for one, respect each and every one of them.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 03:29 PM MDT
Police and fire employees put their life on the line every day they go to work. Do teachers??
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 04:52 PM MDT
They teach our kids! Or are you the type who use the school system as nothing more than glorified daycare?
Let's compare, just for kicks. How much do you think a teacher in this city makes? How about a police officer? How about a firefighter? And what about their benefits? How do they compare to the teachers?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 05:54 PM MDT
Actually, depending on the time employed, teachers make more than firefighters or law enforcement. And as I stated, firefighters and law enforcement put their butts on the line every day.
Teachers teach our kids; great, but do they put their life on the line? If you were lying on the floor dying, and someone called 911, would you want a teacher to come save you or a paramedic? If your house was on fire, would you want a teacher or a firefighter to come and save your butt?
Please don't compare firefighters and law enforcement to teachers, its apples and oranges!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:05 PM MDT
But the bottom line is, they are all paid by OUR tax money. So regardless of whether or not you think they should be compared, they do have something in common. That alone should be grounds for discussion.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:20 PM MDT
Teachers DO have the gravy job. OVERPAID! Yes, their union has negotiated a sweet deal. Eventually, you will see more and more school districts having to take a stand and bring down their annualized compensation (or, require them to work a full year). A teacher should be able to do the math...35 hours per week...35 weeks per year. Plus full benefits!!!! Too bad they can't get that gig for a full year (oh, wait...summer school @ $45+ per hour). Don't give me this crap about our poor teachers!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 07:48 PM MDT
No one said anything about our poor teachers. The fact is, they negotiated their contract on 9 months of teaching. If the school year would be all 12 months out of the year, you could expect to pay 33% more for their work. I am not a teacher. Yet I agree completely with the wages they earn. They are teaching the next generation! And maybe for someone like you, providing free childcare. But the fact remains, the wages they earn they bargained for, fair and square. The school board agreed on their contract provisions. Furthermore, YOU don't have to work under the wage constraints the teachers do, with QEO--the biggest joke ever to face our teachers. If you think they make so much money, apply for the job!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 08:46 PM MDT
Hey, this mental midget is now calling QEO, a law which guarantees a 3.8% increase a "wage constraint".......They must be kidding!
Wage constraint......Thanks for the humor....
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 09:20 PM MDT
I'm wondering if all of the people who use the arguement "teachers are teaching our children, the next generation of the movers and shakers" would be against teachers earning, say, $70,000 per year plus benefits? After all, "it's for the children."
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 09:50 PM MDT
A lot of them DO make that much if you annualize their salary!!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 09:58 PM MDT
The thing you're missing, Wilt Chamberlain, is that the teachers get 3.8%. What do you think the city employees and county employees are making without that wage constraint? WAY more than that, especially considering the cost of health care recently. And who is paying for that? YOU ARE, Mr. Mental Giant.
And I am willing to bet there ain't one teacher in the Oshkosh School District who is making 70 a year. Where do you come up with these numbers? I re-ask the question: What's the avg salary for a teacher in Oshkosh? What about a cop? Firefighter? No one has answered yet...maybe cause they DON'T know?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 05:54 AM MDT
The salary range for a police officer is $38,000 - $49,000 (
The AVERAGE salary for teachers is now $45,000. So as you can see O WISE ONE, teachers are making as much if not more than people who put their life on the line every day! GOT IT??
And I wasn't saying teachers make $70,000 per year, I was wondering if liberals like you would think that they should make that much, and if you thought that the taxpayers should be shelling out that kind of cash because you can always use the argument, "it's for the children."
Wise up sir/madam!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 06:58 AM MDT
There are a lot of employees who don't "put their lives on the line" every day, whose wages are paid for with your tax money. And they make A LOT more that the cops' wages you state. The city attorney. Engineers. MIS gurus (computer guys). So with your argument, should they make more or less that public safety personnel? Is it appropriate that they make more? So why shouldn't a teacher?
Why does everyone think teachers have it so easy? They all have bachelor degrees, many have masters. Some brain surgeon earlier posted they only work 35 hours a week. PLEASE. They work their butts off. 35 hours in the classroom in front of children, maybe, but that doesn't include the class prep time, etc. And the 35 hours they put in in front of children is not like you sitting at your desk. It requires their undivided attention to detail when supervising a class of 25 children.
How long of a workweek to police officers in this city have? 37 1/2. Firefighters? 56, but they sleep at work. And teachers/firefighters/cops all have similar health insurance benefits, so that argument is moot.
The average between 38,000 and 49,000 is about 44,500, when talking about a police officer in this city. Awfully close to the 45,000 you insist teachers are making, and that doesn't include overtime! You really don't think teachers are worth that?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:01 AM MDT
Not to mention a teacher's starting salary is nowhere near $38,000.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 12:22 PM MDT
How many months of the year do teachers work?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 01:17 PM MDT
Not as many as firefighters or police officers.
But then I think the other person(s) that are posting would claim that teachers are more important than firefighters and police, and therefore should make more money, better benefits, more time off, etc., etc., etc.
You would think some of these people posting think that teachers should be paid as much as brain surgeons.
After all, they're doing it "for the children."
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 01:47 PM MDT
The average full time firefighter in this country works 100 days a year. The money they make is bargained on that. Along the same lines, the average teacher in this country works 9 months out of the year. Their contract is bargained on that.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 02:04 PM MDT
teacher contracts are 190 days
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 02:47 PM MDT
190 days of 5 days a week. My math brings that out to 38 weeks. Divide that by four equals 9.5 months. Just like I said. 9 months. Don't pretend you work on the weekends. Don't pretend the teachers do, either.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 05:25 PM MDT
9 months a year and make 45K......Simply UNREAL !! And thats only 35 hours a week mind you !!
Biggest racket going in todays job market !!!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 05:57 PM MDT
And the best part of it is, YOU have to pay for it! You don't have a choice. Whether you want to or not, the bill is yours to pay! The teachers make more than you, they work less than you, and they get great benefits. HA! You're jealous!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 06:48 PM MDT
This sure is a smug attitude. If you're a teacher, you need to be ashamed of yourself and you are the very example of what people are complaining about. If you're not a teacher, you still should be ashamed of yourself to talk like such an asshole where people's tax dollars are involved. Go bury your head in the sand and pretend people in this city don't have financial woes as they struggle to pay for so much of this that they simply can't afford.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:36 PM MDT
It was a tongue in cheek response to the "biggest racket in today's job market" comment. Are you really so naive that you couldn't see that? Who's the asshole?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 02:46 AM MDT
I have not yet posted an opinion on this subject but after reading the entire dismal outlay I am wondering why more teachers do not "go postal" and damage themselves or others in front of classrooms coast to coast.
For God's sake, folks. Most new teachers exit college with massive student loan bills ready to launch into a career that HAS to draw people who have a desire to work with young people and help them. That is the only reason to become a teacher. People with bachelor and masters degrees can certainly do better for starting salaries in any number of jobs and most of those can expect to spend their careers in an atmosphere far more cordial than teachers enjoy.
So they start out and what is the first thing they experience from their "employers"? Gritching. Complaining. Envy. And non-stop reminders that they "work" for the taxpayers and had better learn to do with as little as they can.
Why all the envy? Just now. I am nearly seventy and teachers have worked nine month every since I started first grade. It was no secret the number of months they worked. And in those days you can bet teachers in any town made more than 90% of the population. They had steady jobs when other people had to scratch sometimes for day labor. BUT I NEVER HEARD ANYONE COMPLAIN. Not one person. Not ever.
And do you know why? I think I do. Most of those people barely had grade school educations and they wanted better for their children. They saw the teachers as a ticket out of the bottom rung for THEIR children. Teachers were revered and respected. They held Hope in their hands.
Now we seem to look upon them with contempt. As if $45,000 is not really all that much above the poverty level. It certainly is not a fortune as some seem to imply. We act as if we are really putting ourselves out to foot the bill and as if those lucky teachers should come to us only on bended knees, heads bowed.
It is ironic that at the same time there is so much angst about the cost of education in Oshkosh on this forum that elsewhere I suspect some of the same people are hailing the fact that we are opening schools in Baghdad not only at the cost of billions a month but also paid for in the blood of our own children. And it seems I never hear very many voices complaining that that cost is too high.
It is almost as if some of us become possessed with warped values and odd conclusions. As if we wade out and cannot find the way back. I, for one, have no problem with our teacher's salaries. If anything they are paid too little.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 02:32 PM MDT
Thank you for your addition to this sad string of comments. I went back to school to become a teacher and racked up over $30,000 in student loans. My first job was in a very poor district where I started from scratch with only shared textbooks. No lesson plans, no school supplies, no anything. I bought classroom supplies for myself and a box full of school supplies for my students who couldn't afford even pencils, none of this was reimbursed. I worked 60-80 hours per week between classroom time and home time correcting papers and writing lessons, tests, and worksheets. My contract was for $25,631 per year. After one semester, I was laid off because of state budget cuts. WEAC didn't come to my aid nor did they do anything to help the other dozen teachers in my district laid off.
After several years of trying to find teaching jobs (I can't sub because of the cost of daycare), I will be going back to school for my Master's hoping to improve my chances of getting a job. This will cost me an additional $32,000+ in student loans with no guarantee of a job anytime in the near future.
I became a teacher for the love of the profession and the glow a child gets when they finally understand. It really is that simple. However, it is not enough to find me a job. I am competing with hundreds of people with the same degree, but more experience. I am kept unemployed by teachers who are just there to collect a paycheck because WEAC protects their own and it is nearly impossible to fire a teacher. Teachers are working longer because retirement doesn't pay for everything. And colleges continue to turn out teachers.
After all I have been through and seen, I still want to teach. How sad it is that very few see the value of teachers. I don't blame non-teachers. They only see the bad side of the profession, the politics. Personally, I think the union has abandoned it's true purpose to educate and protect proficient educators and got sucked into politics and "us against them." I also think the QEO is a political trap to force the districts to maintain wages while no longer providing the funding promised to cover the wages. Most of all, like any other occupation, teachers should be paid based on performance (administrators, too). Raises should be merit based with, maybe, a cost of living increase equal to the national/state average. Can't do your job, make room for someone who can.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 03:28 PM MDT
Wow, I can't believe you are having a problem finding a job in Oshkosh. We were lead to believe there is a mass exodus of teachers here in Oshkosh because of low wages. Where is that teacher shortage we have been hearing about Mrs. Thiel?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 03:51 PM MDT
Maybe, just maybe Ms. Thiel doesn't know what she's talking about, or, she's trying to cover for the teachers again.
Both scenarios are quite possible.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: admin on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 12:06 PM MDT
We obviously have some people here who think they know everything. For the record, I indeed DID delete some of the posts that have been made in the last week or so, because they were NOT made my me or they were not appropriate for this site. Not that it is any of your business, but because of other commitments, I have had extremely little computer access of late. However, there have been some very strange things going on with the web site and a lot of inappropriate, obscene postings, many of which were sexual in nature, etc. There was also postings that appeared as if they were made by me. Again, all of the aforementioned things have been deleted and will continue to be, should they turn up again. When I post something I sign it, as I think most people already know. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet. I am not going to engage in a further discussion about this with you as it really is not worth it.
But, as for your complaints about this site: If you do not like them - no matter who posts them - the solution is simple. Don't come here. Your rhetoric would not likely be missed.
- Cheryl Hentz
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Jim B. on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 01:01 PM MDT
My guess is the sex ads and such are not locals. I have seen that before on other sites. They hack in and add their links.
As far as local stuff, why don't you make people register? That way you have their e-mail address and they will be less likely to spew negative stuff. this site is great for seeing other points of view in local politics, let's not ruin it!
Jim B.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, July 27 2005 @ 08:56 AM MDT
Take this for what it is worth, but the Oshkosh News site made people register for their discussion board relating to the School District (which I thought was a great idea), and if you look at it I think maybe two or three people have posted anything in about a month. That is not a criticism or a judgment of ANYTHING, but just an observation.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, July 27 2005 @ 11:00 AM MDT
I posted there 2 weeks ago and it appears that when you are forced to identify yourself, you lose the ability to spout off as most are doing. That being the case, fine with me. It leaves the space open for serious discussion without any name calling or belittling that has been happening.
K. Monte
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Tuesday, July 26 2005 @ 07:39 AM MDT
No. Try 47K for three days a week, plus $88 per diem. State Assembly - sweetest deal in Wisconsin.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:57 PM MDT
No need to pretend teachers work on the weekend, many do, drive by schools on the weekends and you will see lights on in their classrooms, I've done so many times...
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 06:47 AM MDT
That's NOT a 3.8% WAGE increase.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:02 AM MDT
Right, it is NOT a 3.8% wage increase. It's a 3.8% increase in all of their benefits, health insurance premiums included! So while the total benefit package increase can be up to 3.8, their wage increases are way less than 1%! How much did your WAGES increase last year? I bet more than the teachers!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:10 AM MDT
Not a chance that my wages went up that much. BUt can we please get back to the main argument here and that is whether DOn Sween, a retired teacher, should be voting on a budget in which his retirement benefits are a part. I say no and I would be interested in hearing from others who are willing to file a formal grievance if he does make such a vote. What are your thoughts people? We have a city council that made an illegal vote and a DA who is to lazy to pursue prosecution. Now we have a school board member who I'm willing to bet will make the vote. Let's start demanding justice and fairness in our elected officials and the actions they take.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:15 AM MDT
Your wages didn't go up 1%? Without giving enough info to ID yourself, tell us how much you made last year, and the year before, before OT.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:24 AM MDT
No we were NOT given raises, period. We were told the employer could not afford them. That is the long and short of it.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:29 AM MDT
I understand what you are saying. I know a company that offered its employees a choice of a small raise and having to pay more for their benefits or no raise and their benefits ream intact. eachers get a combination of both. I applaud teaches for what they do and do not bash them, but they don't have it as bad as many say they do or others think they do. If they have it so terrible they could always work in the private sector and see how things are. But as long as they work in the public sector they have to be be willing to listen to what the public has to say and make compromises where possible. The public can not cntinue affording everything government expects us to pay for.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 01:21 PM MDT
How much of a raise did the Leach workers get? How much of a raise are the Oshkosh B' Gosh workers going to get. How much did the Wisconsin Automated Machinery workers get? How much of a raise did the Square D folks get?
You see, A LOT of people in Oshkosh are losing their jobs, but we still can find a way to pay teachers more, and more, and more, and more!
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 01:46 PM MDT
Why single out teachers? How about county and city workers?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 01:49 PM MDT
City employees in 2005 got between a 2 and 3% wage increase. Why aren't you screaming about that? That doesn't include health care benefits, retirement, etc.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 04:21 PM MDT
On average, city workers don't make the kind of money that teachers do, and city workers work 12 months out of the year.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 04:52 PM MDT
Public safety officials do. The administrative staff does. I bet half of the city employees make at least what teachers in Oshkosh average.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 08:02 PM MDT
And why did most of those companies say they were leaving? Because they can pay workers less elsewhere...the pay was too high here...yet you don't begrudge those people (I don't either by the way--- I think all workers should make fair wages) their salaries even though it means the cost of the goods you buy cost more... simple economics
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:07 PM MDT
How much does a long term teacher make?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:05 AM MDT
It depends on their education and their years of teaching experience.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 04:50 PM MDT
We are not attracting the best out of college anymore either, why work in Oshkosh where if you watch school board meetings or check out this site you will be bashed constantly when you can go to Neenah, Appleton, Kaukauna, Kimberly, Green Bay (the list goes on) and be appreciated?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 05:16 PM MDT
I have watched every meeting for quite a while now. When is all this supposed teacher bashing taking place. I have never heard anyone speak against teachers. Administration maybe from time to time, but not teachers.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 06:53 PM MDT
The board loves the teachers and naver has a bad word to say about them.
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 08:52 PM MDT
I think I need a tissue.....All this bashing.....Maybe it is more of frustration at having to dig deeper in my pockets for health premiums, and tax increases, so staff doesn't.....Think about it...
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 06:50 AM MDT
Exactly how deep are you having to dig? Do you even know what the dollar figure is?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 04:56 PM MDT
What exactly are the FACTS that show we as a city cannot afford to pay a for our schools? I think it isn't a can't afford to but rather a DON'T WANT to. Why is it the majority of school districts in the state spend more than Oshkosh? We are not one of the poorest cities in the state or one of the poorest counties in the state so what are your FACTS?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Sunday, July 24 2005 @ 05:14 PM MDT
I apply to this district every year because it is closer to my home and my husband's work and every year there are no openings. This year there were two because of retirements, not better pay elsewhere. Where is this mass exodus of teachers?? I'm still looking. Most schools can't afford to fill vacancies because of budget cuts. Where are all these wonderful, high paying jobs?
Don Sween and His Ability to Vote on the Oshkosh School District Budget
Authored by: Anonymous on Monday, July 25 2005 @ 07:56 PM MDT
Last year Karen B. made a resolution to the school board to tax the taxpayers allowable by state law, it was defeated, but it was brought back by Don Sween and it passed. It was Don Sween vote that made all the difference. Now on August 3 2005 the school board is going to vote on the budget for the upcoming year. Don Sween should not be allowed to vote on this budget. He is not being partial and he favors the teachers over the taxpayers ability to keep footing the bills.